
Thursday, March 29, 2007

NAC Action Alert: Florida Legislation


Copyright 2007 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE: March 29, 2007
SUBJECT: Florida Legislation
TO: Florida naturists and other concerned Floridians

Dear Naturist,

The Naturist Action Committee (NAC) is requesting that Florida residents take immediate action concerning specific Florida state legislation. This NAC Action Alert includes specific contact information and instructions. It follows two NAC Advisories (January 21 and March 11) that established detailed awareness of the issues.


NAC believes all naturists should be advised of this matter, but we are asking at this time that ONLY FLORIDA RESIDENTS respond to this call for action. If you live outside the state of Florida, please do not make contact at this time with Florida lawmakers.

If you live in Florida, the Naturist Action Committee needs your help NOW!


Most of the threats to naturists come from bills that seek to modify Section 800.03 of the Florida Statutes and to increase the penalties that are attached to that law. Section 800.03 addresses the exposure or exhibition of sexual organs in a public place.

For a more detailed discussion please refer to the NAC Advisory of March 11, 2007.


Section 800.03 has been interpreted by Florida courts as applying only to lewd exposure. So why should naturists see it as their issue when penalties are increased for violations in that section of the law?

The existing judicial protection associated with 800.03 is quite fragile. Even with favorable case law that dates back more than thirty years, overzealous enforcement officers occasionally feel justified in using the statutory language alone to bust someone for simple nudity under 800.03. When that happens, a naturist must mount a legal defense against a misdemeanor charge.

Raising the penalty for 800.03 to the felony level, even under limited circumstances, makes any enforcement "misfire" a much more chilling prospect. The proposed changes to the wording of 800.03 that are included in many of the problem bills may prove to be the undoing of existing judicial protection.


SENATE BILL 2058 Sponsor: Sen. Victor Crist (R-Tampa). This is a Senate companion bill for House Bill 269, which has been referred, in slightly amended form, to the House Policy & Budget Council. Not quite identical to HB 269, Senate Bill 2058 contains the same escalated penalties for violation of 800.03, as well as much of the same language that many naturists find threatening. The slightly modified language in this bill is just not enough to turn it into a good bill.

This bill has been referred to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

SENATE BILL 1842 Sponsor: Sen. Dave Aronberg (D-Greenacres). Another Senate companion bill for HB 269. The wording of SB 1842 is similar to that of SB 2058. It includes enhanced penalties for Section 800.03 of the Florida Statutes.

This bill has been referred to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

SENATE BILL 2544 Sponsor: Sen. Ronda Storms (R-Tampa). This bill greatly enhances penalties for certain crimes. It adds 800.03 to the list of crimes for which the penalty is increased. A second offense under 800.03 would become a third degree felony, and a third offense would be a second degree felony, carrying a mandatory five years in prison. If SB 2544 passes the Senate in its present form, the proposals it contains will become law, since the House version (HB 41) has already passed the House.

This bill has been referred to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

SENATE BILL 1800 Sponsor: Sen. Bill Posey (R-Rockledge). This bill authorizes warrantless arrest, specifically where "[t]here is probable cause to believe that the person has unlawfully exhibited his or her sexual organs in public in violation of s. 800.03." The troubling implications for naturists are obvious.

This bill has been referred to the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.


The Naturist Action Committee continues to work closely on this matter with local naturists and with representatives of Florida naturist clubs and groups. NAC is conferring with lawmakers and their staff members. NAC is also working the professional legislative lobbyist retained by South Florida Free Beaches. NAC has committed to pick up a portion of the expense for that lobbyist during the 2007 legislative session.


The Naturist Action Committee is asking you to take action immediately by contacting members of the Florida State Senate Committee on Criminal Justice.


The Senate Criminal Justice Committee has nine members. Please write or call as many members of the committee as you can.

Sen. Nancy Argenziano (R-Crystal River) Committee Chair
Room 311, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5017

Sen. Dave Aronberg (D-Greenacres) Committee Vice Chair
Room 405, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5356
NOTE: Sen. Aronberg is sponsor of SB 1842, a bill on the list.

Sen. Michael S. "Mike" Bennett (R-Bradenton)
Room 216, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5078

Sen. Victor Crist (R-Tampa)
Room 208, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5068
NOTE: Sen. Crist is sponsor of SB 2058, a bill on the list.

Sen. M. Mandy Dawson (D-Ft. Lauderdale)
Room 410, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5112

Sen. James E. "Jim" King, Jr. (R-Jacksonville)
Room 400, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5030

Sen. Evelyn J. Lynn (R-Daytona Beach)
Room 212, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5033

Sen. Frederica S. Wilson (D-Miami Gardens)
Room 202, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5116

Sen. Stephen R. Wise (R-Jacksonville)
Room 220, Senate Office Building
404 South Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-5027


Write a letter, send an e-mail or call by telephone. Each is effective. It's acceptable to do more than one, and NAC encourages it.

1. Address your correspondence to each Senator separately. Don't count on someone to pass a single message around to multiple lawmakers.

2. Give your name and the city of your residence. Anonymous letters are discarded.

3. Be polite.

4. Write clearly that you OPPOSE Senate Bills 2058, 1842, 2544 and 1800.

1. Call during regular business hours and ask for the Senator, but be prepared to speak with a legislative aide, instead. That's okay. Each aide is trained to make notes about your specific concerns.

2. Say your name and the city of your residence. Anonymous calls are disregarded.

3. Be polite.

4. Say clearly that you OPPOSE Senate Bills 1800, 1842, 2058, and 2544.


1. Enhancing penalties for Section 800.03 solves no immediate or long term problem. The emphasis should be on lewd behavior, not nudity.

2. These bills create bad law through their unjustified compression of punishments to be all at the top of the scale. When everything becomes a felony, where is there room to punish serious crime?

3. The "time and place" restrictions in some of these bills are problematic. Haulover Beach, a significant clothing-optional tourist draw and source of revenue for Miami-Dade County, is located in a county park. Authorities once considered locating a public school nearby. Nudity in a county park would be a felony under SB 1842, and nudity near a school would be a felony under SB 1842 and SB 2058.

4. Senate Bill 2544, sponsored by Sen. Ronda Storms, deals with escalated penalties for certain offense. It includes a "mandatory minimum" of five years imprisonment for a third conviction under 800.03. That's a harsher penalty than the State's punishment for vehicular manslaughter.

5. At the same time some bills propose "reclassifying" the penalties for Section 800.03, Senate Bill 1800 proposes relaxing the standard required for making an arrest under that statute. The introduction of warrantless arrests for 800.03 invites further erosion of personal freedoms and would make bad law for Florida.


You can access additional information on the Web site of the Naturist Action Committee.

Select "Alerts, Advisories and Updates." Under Current Action Alerts, you'll find the text of this NAC Action Alert, along with links to the complete text of each of these Florida bills, existing Florida law and pertinent court cases.


The Naturist Action Committee is the nonprofit volunteer political adjunct to The Naturist Society. NAC exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America.

Opposing dangerous legislation is quite costly. The Naturist Action Committee relies entirely on your voluntary support. Please donate generously with a check to:

PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Or use your credit card to make a direct donation online through NAC's Web site:

Thank you for choosing to make a difference.


Morley Schloss
Board Member
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
- PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Morley Schloss -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Late March Nude Snowshoeing

Nothing really says it more than the photo. The pure enjoyment
of six hours soaking in the spring sunshine on a crisp slope of pure white snow.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Goldmyer HS Access Conditions

From Beth at Goldmyer

As of March 23, 2007: It does appear that we had a 'false start' to spring melt-down. The warmer weather we had for a couple of weeks melted out the lower elevation, and some of the mid-elevation snow. The Goldmyer property is mostly snow-free, and the campsites are clear. The road is melted out as far as the river ford, and a bit farther up towards the footbridge access route. Use only high clearance vehicles. The river has dropped back down to a fluxuating range of lower to upper thigh deep, although do keep in mind that this could change!!!! We have had visitors snowshoe further up the road to the footbridge access trail, so there is now track in the snow which makes that route considerably easier to use.

Updated conditions (as of Saturday morning):  The Pineapple Express moving through the area this weekend has put several river into Flood Stage Alerts:

Friday, March 23, 2007

What are you here for?

I took a look at the site statistics for the blog a few minutes ago . . . curiosity, mainly. Tracking the numbers of visitors is interesting and I'm very gratified that the average daily visitor load is growing. What is more informative though, is what readers click on while on my site. While I expect a number of skimmers just clicking through, some do stay for a period of time and I spot trends in the aggregate. What are my readers . . . well, reading?

Well, in the last two days a large percentage of the 385 distinct visitors actually clicked through on the links within the article on Writing to and Emailing Members of Congress and Your Legislators.

Eighteen clicked to visit the AANRGovernmentAffairs Yahoo Group, 23 went off to visit the CapWiz Site sponsored by AANR and 48 visitors hit the NAC Alerts site from the link in the article. Only my profile picture and the Flickr photo stream referred to in the Vancouver Goes Topless got more clicks (58 and 52, respectively).

What the click history does tell me is that people are looking for solid and tangible naturist information such as legislative and legal issues, and I think that bodes well for nudism. It certainly makes keeping this blog going well worth my time.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Oregon House Bill 3317: Private Indecency

In a news broadcast by KATU Channel 2 in Portland, reaction to the 'naked neighbor' who has been exposing himself from his property, has Oregon lawmakers proposing a change to Private Indecency laws (specifically Section 163 of the ORC). According to the broadcast House Bill 3317 would amend the law by making exposure illegal when it is in view of a place where another person has an expectation of privacy.

". . . it would make it illegal to run around your yard naked in view of others" according to the broadcast.

Within the nudist forums there is concern about the effect this proposed amendment might have of Oregon's two clothing-optional beaches. Ostensively, the interpretation is that a person in public will now have some 'expectation of privacy'. What would the outfall be for a clothing-optional beach where the public could come across nude people?

Private indecency concerns itself with a those who get sexual gratification or arousal by peeping or filming others who have an expectation of privacy . . . such as changing in a dressing room.

KATU turns that interpretation around by suggesting that public observation of nudity (ostensibly onto private property) that causes sexual arousal or gratification would be covered by a minor change of the law to add 'in view of'. I don't see how that interpretation can be supported. However, if that is the intent of the bill then it bears scrutiny in case the interpretation is applied to the public's new-founded 'expectation of privacy' from becoming offended when seeing naked people on the beach.

The outfall of this person in Rainier is just the sort of fodder that legislators latch onto to produce some far-reaching, draconian laws that affect far more activities that this person's reprehensible behavior. The interpretation of private indecency as an appropriate vehicle in cases like Rainier is a radical departure from the intent of the law, as originally written.

I suppose I'd better look into what Washington, California and Idaho have to say on the subject. I was kind of hoping that my silly State of Washington might get more enlightened like Oregon . . . not the other way around!

Writing to, e-Mailing, Members of Congress and State Legislators

Legislator's and policy-makers often vote or make decisions based on a poor understanding of the differences between sexually-explicit businesses and activities versus the family-friendly philosophies of naturism and nudism. These misunderstandings and/or prejudices often lead to 'bad law' being written that, while targeting explicit and lewd sexual behavior, often end up criminalizing innocent and simple nudity. The rash of NAC Alerts in the past few months is a good indicator of how these 'bad' laws can get passed . . . and why we need to be proactive to let our lawmakers know where we stand and . . . why.

Letters are among the oldest and most popular vehicles of communication with legislators. Members of Congress, state legislators and local officials do pay attention to their daily mail (or email). Many have staffers just waiting to answer your mail and register your opinion. Legislative staffers maintain that one letter from an individual is viewed as representing the concerns of ten other constituents! That's how important your written letters are!

Thoughtful letters, presenting clear and forceful arguments carry the most weight, and are the ones most often passed along from the staff to your law and policy-decision makers. But remember, any letter, even a postcard, is better than no letter at all.


Do your Homework

Know the pros and cons of your issue and the courses of action that have been proposed. Know where your legislators stand on the issue. Show a familiarity with the legislator's past action on related issues. An hour in the public library or the Internet looking up your issue in recent newspapers will pay off. If your letter is about a specific bill, cite it by name (and number) if you can. If you are writing in response to a NAC or GAT Alert, heed the suggestions in the Alert. Both NAC and GAT carefully consider how to craft and lobby for a specific result and our letters bolster the probability that they will be successful.

Take a stand, Make it Personal

In the first paragraph, state why the issue concerns you and what you think should be done about it. Share from your own knowledge and experience. Explain how the issue will personally affect you, your family, friends, business and community. Provide concrete real life stories and analogies which a legislator can relate to. Sign your name and provide contact details. Signed correspondence adds credibility and an appreciation of your willingness to stand for what you believe in!

Be an Inch Wide, a Mile Deep

Cover only one issue in a one page letter. Present your case with a convincing rationale that your legislator can incorporate into their own argument. Build your case point by point, appealing to reason. Speak in the language of policy. Send enclosures if you think more information is needed. Relevant editorials and news stories from local newspapers in your legislator's district will get her/his attention.

Praise is as Important as Criticism

When legislators take a brave (or perhaps an unpopular) stand, get in touch to express your thanks. Legislators need to know we're backing them up when they do the right thing. When you disagree with your legislator, do it politely, and try to find something praiseworthy about him or her. It's best, if your first written contact with your legislator is a pat on the back. Then, they'll be more likely to listen when you write with constructive criticism.

Ask for a Commitment to a Specific Action

Let your legislator know exactly what you want done. Ask a legislator to reply, and ask very directly whether she or he will support your position. Legislators are masters of non-replies (letters which avoid giving a position). When you receive a response from your legislator, check to see if they have responded to what you asked, if not, write again. Save copies of any replies you receive to build a framework for future actions.

Show them how they can Take Credit

All politicians are in the credit-taking business. They'll be much more inclined to do what you want if you can convince them that it will put them in a favorable light before a large number of people. Enlist others to sign you letter. Provide legislators with new catch phrases and quotables which will report well in the newspapers. Frame your issue in such a way as to reinforce your legislator's campaign promises.

Don't Miss the Boat

Be certain that your legislator receives the letter before any vote on the issue. Allow enough time for "snail mail" to get to your legislator's office. Then allow a day for it to sit in the mailbox. Then allow another day for your letter to be opened, registered, and forwarded. On the fourth day, after arriving at the capitol, your letter should be receiving your legislator's attention (either personally or as part of a constituency total).

Show Good Form

Put it in your own words, avoid buzz words or jargon, and use only those acronyms that the legislator will know. Avoid "Canned" letters. Although any letter is better than no letter. A personal letter, in your own words, in immeasurably better. Write on plain stationary or on your personal or business letterhead. Handwritten letters are fine as long as they are legible. They often get more attention than typed letters.

Define your Relationship

Always write as a constituent, if at all possible. If not, define your connection in terms of benefit to the constituency. Decide whether you should be writing as an individual or as a member of a group. If you are writing as a group, it will broaden your base of influence but be sure to have the blessing of your organization first. If you're writing as an organization, use your group's letterhead. If you know your policy-maker, make it clear in the first paragraph. This will alert the person opening the mail to give the letter special attention. By all means use your legislator's first name if you have established that kind of relationship.


Naturist Action Committee Alerts:

AANR Weekly Reports: (must join to view)

AANR-GAT CapWiz Action Alerts: (AANR Members benefit)

Find Your Federal and State Legislators:

FirstGov: Contact Elected Officials:

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sauvie Island Call for Action

From Don at ORCOBA:

Hey everyone…particularly Sauvie Island beachgoers:

In addition to the staffing cuts being made by the Oregon State Police, potentially affecting the seasonal OSP officer position assigned to Sauvie Island (see a previous posting on this subject), it seems Columbia County is now discussing eliminating the funding for Deputy Larry Weaver’s position, effective this year, and more letters need to be written,

For those who aren’t familiar with Larry, he has served on Sauvie Island for the last 13 years and knows it intimately. He is very supportive of our group, and the preservation of Collins as a clothing-optional beach. It would be a huge loss to not have him out here.

The addresses and people to write to concerning the Columbia County Sheriff’s position on Sauvie Island are:

Rita Bernhard, Chair
Board of Commissioners
Columbia County Courthouse
230 Strand Street
St Helens Oregon 97051-0010


Sheriff Philip W. Derby
Columbia County Sheriff’s Office
901 Port Avenue
St Helens Oregon 97051

The County Commissioners are discussing this matter presently, so swift action is necessary.
Thank you!

Topless In Vancouver, BC

From a VancouverGo blog posting

Vancouver BC Canada vancouver BC Canada

Vancouver Police will soon be circulating a memo reminding officers that it’s okay for woman to walk around the City topless.

The move comes after a complaint was made to the police department from a woman who has crusaded for the right to go shirtless for years and was victorious in BC Supreme Court.

Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham says not everyone realizes it’s okay to bare your breasts in public, “Whether we’ve now evolved to a stage in our society where people can walk around with no clothes or topless is an issue that is going to generate, on some people’s part, concern and when that happens they phone us.”

Graham says officers don’t mean any harm when they detain a topless woman, even if it’s just for brief questioning.

A memo is now being sent to officers reminding them of the Court ruling.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Portland WNBR Planning

From jasun for the Portland, Oregon World Naled Bike Ride. Organizers are needed for this event which will be held June 9th at midnight. Details can be found at:

Hey All,

So I was wondering if anyone has stepped up yet to get this party started?

I am totally down to throwing down all I have to plan, organize and execute this years ride and party ... but only if I can be part of a planning team of people for this years event. Last year was over 500 people ... this year (weather being nice) I think that 700 riders is not unrealistic.

Here is why I need help from the get go. It is too large of an event for me to do alone. In other words if we can get enough of up planning this thing it will happen ... if not ... well it will still happen but I can only do so much. So if you go the time please help.

I for see a real challenge this year in finding one venue that can accommodate everyone like last year. Then there is the OLCC thing, getting booze and food donations, bands, PA systems, volunteer coordination, Rev. Phil legal support fund-raising ... as Tall Steve pointed out the list goes on.

Anyhow, I threw up a mailing list (mainly to keep traffic off of this one) for those that want to help get this thing off the ground and start throwing around ideas for venues, themes, ideas ... anything. I think that we may have more than one venue this year. Or maybe no venues and a lot of house partys ... who knows?

To get on the mailing list fire off an email to:

with the Subject of: subscribe

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Special Event to Benefit Bagby Hot Springs

On March 31st the Northwest Forest Conservancy is holding a special event in Portland, Oregon to raise funds to continue historic preservation efforts at Bagby Hot Springs and celebrate the many volunteers who help make it happen.

Rick McClure, Mt. Hood National Forest Archaeologist and Heritage Program Manager, will give a talk on historic preservation efforts at Bagby and in the National Forest.

There will be entertainment, displays, raffle, and a silent auction.

An invitation is located on the NFC website at

I hope you can join us to support the many positive changes historic preservation is having on the Bagby area.

If you have any questions please email ron at nwforests dot org

Goldmyer Hot Springs Conditions

From Beth at Goldmyer HS

As of March 13, 2007:
High clearance vehicles can now drive to the river ford. There's still a bunch of snow in the open areas at Goldmyer, but it's thinning out under the trees, and melting fairly quickly. The campsites are mostly snow-free. The warmer weather and 'pineapple express' last week-end has set in motion what's looking like the start of spring snowmelt. It's eariler than 'usual', so perhaps it's just a false start... we shall see. So, right now (again 3-13) the river is higher than intelligent people would probably want to ford. It is dropping in depth since the high on Sunday, but if the temperatures stay warmish and the resulting snowline above Goldmyer, snow melt will continue to affect the river crossing by the hotsprings. The really good news is that this week some visitors snowshoed further up the road to the footbridge access trail, so there is now track in the snow which makes it considerably easier to follow that trail.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

NAC Advisory: Florida Legislation

[Note: Links to proposed legislation and lawmakers were added by me - Rick]


Copyright 2007 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE: March 11, 2007
SUBJECT: Florida Legislation
TO: All naturists and other concerned individuals

Dear Naturist,

The Naturist Action Committee (NAC) wishes to make you aware of significant new information concerning legislation in the state of Florida. This NAC Advisory updates the NAC Advisory of January 21 that focused on House Bill 269, but it also includes information on several other Florida legislative bills that are of direct concern to naturists.


NAC believes you should be advised and informed, but this matter is not yet at the point at which your specific action will be most effective. Please wait for the proper time. Watch for further NAC Action Alerts, Advisories and Updates on this topic.


Florida naturists are faced with a troubling array of threatening legislation in 2007. Even before the legislative session officially began on March 6, state lawmakers in Tallahassee were already lining up to file bills that they hoped would receive quick consideration.

Most of the threats to naturists come from bills that seek to modify Section 800.03 of the Florida Statutes and to increase the penalties that are attached to that law. Section 800.03 addresses the exposure or exhibition of sexual organs in a public place. Based on a fragile interpretation of the existing wording of the law, 800.03 has been historically held by Florida Courts to make such exposure illegal only when it is done in a lewd manner.

Local enforcement authorities in Martin County, Florida, are behind some of the legislation. Martin County Sheriff Robert Crowder has determined that men who masturbate and have sex at public locations in the county are not being disposed of quickly enough.

Existing law allows individuals who are engaged in such activities to be charged and prosecuted. Punishments presently begin with a misdemeanor and escalate rapidly upon subsequent convictions. But Sheriff Crowder believes the current graduated penalties fail to lock folks away quickly enough. He wants the evildoers imprisoned for years as felons on the very first conviction, and he has determined that Section 800.03 is the proper place in the law for such a frightening escalation of punishment. State Representative Bill Snyder (R-Stuart) is a freshman legislator who formerly worked as a law enforcement officer in the Martin County Sheriff's Department, under Crowder. Snyder's House Bill 269 proposes that Sheriff Crowder's wish list be made state law.


If Section 800.03 has been interpreted by Florida courts as applying only to lewd exposure, why should naturists see it as their issue when penalties are increased for violations in that section of the law?

Florida naturists generally understand the delicate nature of the existing judicial protection associated with 800.03. Even with favorable case law that dates back more than thirty years, overzealous enforcement officers occasionally feel justified in using the statutory language alone to bust someone for simple nudity under 800.03. It happens. And when it happens, a naturist must mount a legal defense against a misdemeanor charge.

Raising the penalty for 800.03 to the felony level, even under limited circumstances, makes these enforcement "misfires" a much more chilling prospect. But worse than that, proposed subtle changes to the wording of 800.03 that are included in House Bill 269, Senate Bill 2058 and other legislation may provide an excuse for a new judicial examination of the statute, perhaps diminishing the prospect of continued judicial protection.

Naturists should be very concerned about this legislation.


HOUSE BILL 269 Sponsor: Rep. William Snyder (R-Stuart). This bill would add greatly increased penalties under 800.03 in certain locations and during certain times of day. HB 269 proposes changes to the wording of 800.03 that could jeopardize the protection for naturists afforded by current judicial rulings. This is the original legislation suggested to Rep. Snyder by Martin County Sheriff Bob Crowder, Bill Snyder's former boss in the Martin County Sheriff's Department.

SENATE BILL 2058 Sponsor: Sen. Victor Crist (R-Tampa). This is a Senate companion bill for House Bill 269. Not quite identical to HB 269, Senate Bill 2058 contains the same escalated penalties for violation of 800.03, as well as much of the same language that naturists find threatening. Sen. Crist introduced his bill at the urging of Bob Levy, a veteran lobbyist acting on behalf of FANR and AANR, using language supplied by AANR. [and with that statement, my decision NOT to renew my AANR membership - Rick]

SENATE BILL 1842 Sponsor: Sen. Dave Aronberg (D-Greenacres). Another Senate companion bill for HB 269. Sen. Aronberg is less strongly committed to this legislation and introduced his bill as a favor to Rep. Snyder, whose help Aronberg seeks for other legislation Aronberg plans to sponsor. The wording of SB 1842 is similar, but not quite identical, to that of HB 269.

HOUSE BILL 41 Sponsor: Rep. Dick Kravitz (R-Jacksonville). This bill greatly enhances penalties for certain crimes, but in its initial form it did not address 800.03. A committee substitute in late February added 800.03 to the list of crimes for which the penalty is increased. A second offense under 800.03 would become a third degree felony, and a third offense would be a second degree felony, carrying a mandatory five years in prison. HB 41 is of additional concern, because it started moving through the committee process, even before the legislative session convened.

SENATE BILL 2544 Sponsor: Sen. Ronda Storms (R-Tampa). Yes, THAT Ronda Storms (link added to Google search on Ronda Storms anti-nudity activities - Rick). Newly elected Sen. Storms was a strident opponent of nudity when she served on the Board of County Commissioners of Hillsborough County, and now, she's a freshman senator in Tallahassee. Her bill is a companion to House Bill 41, and it matches the substitute version of HB 41 that proposes increased penalties for Section 800.03.

SENATE BILL 1800 Sponsor: Sen. Bill Posey (R-Rockledge). This bill authorizes warrantless arrest, specifically where "[t]here is probable cause to believe that the person has unlawfully exhibited his or her sexual organs in public in violation of s. 800.03." The troubling implications for naturists are obvious.

HOUSE BILL 1475 Sponsor: Rep. Bob Allen (R-Merritt Island). This bill broadens the scope of Section 800.04 of the Florida Statutes. That section specifically addresses "lewd or lascivious exhibition," including public masturbation. HB 1475 broadens the scope of 800.04 to include lewd acts committed in the presence of those of any age, not just those under the age of 16, as the existing law specifies. HB 1475 does not mention 800.03 at all, but it increases the penalty for lewd acts under 800.04. House Bill 1475 may be a bill that can draw support from naturists, as well as from Martin County law enforcement.


The Naturist Action Committee is working closely on this matter with local naturists and with representatives of Florida naturist clubs and groups. NAC continues to work with lawmakers and their staff members, both directly and through the professional legislative lobbyist retained by South Florida Free Beaches. NAC will be picking up a portion of the expense for that lobbyist during the 2007 legislative session.


This is an informational advisory only. The Naturist Action Committee is specifically asking that you do not take action at this time.

NAC anticipates an upcoming appropriate time and circumstance for contacts with lawmakers on these issues, but that time is NOT RIGHT NOW. Please watch for further NAC Action Alerts, Advisories and Updates on this topic.


You can access additional information on the Web site of the Naturist Action Committee.

Select "Alerts, Advisories and Updates." Under Current Advisories, you'll find the text of this NAC Advisory, along with links to the complete text of each of these Florida bills, existing Florida law and pertinent court cases.


The Naturist Action Committee exists to advance and protect the rights and interests of naturists throughout North America. As the nonprofit volunteer political adjunct to The Naturist Society, NAC is a vigorous force at work on behalf of naturists.

The Naturist Action Committee relies entirely on your voluntary support. Please donate generously with a check to:

PO Box 132
Oshkosh, WI 54903

Or use your credit card to make a direct donation online through NAC's Web site:

Thank you for choosing to make a difference.


Morley Schloss
Board Member
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
- PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Dir. Bob Morton -
Board Member Morley Schloss -
Online Rep. Dennis Kirkpatrick -

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nude Snowshoeing: Wild Sky Wilderness

The view southwest into the Skykomish Valley near Index

I love snow. I love the bright-white cleanliness of the stuff . . . the virgin nature of untracked, undisturbed snow, and the crisp sensation of the very air.

Early spring sometimes presents some of the best opportunities for getting out into the wilderness to enjoy some nude time. This past Monday (March 5th) was one such opportunity . . . a blustery respite from the rain, snow, wind and cold that has been keeping us hunkered down for months. The lowland temperatures were real close to 70, which to me, meant at least 60F at the lower situated trailheads of the proposed Wild Sky Wilderness accessed via the Index-Galena Road . . . and probable temperatures around 45-50F up in the lower elevation snowlines I enjoy so much. Much of the higher trailheads remain too windy and cold to enjoy much nude hiking . . . the lower trailheads in the Index area are attracting much of my attention. The reasons are multifold. One, they are more easily accessible without driving through backcountry snow (on my last visit to Scenic where I parked at the Surprise Creek Trailhead, I had to put on chains to drive 20ft off of slippery wet ice). The temperatures of the lower Index-area trailheads average only ten degrees below the lowlands temperatures around Sultan . . . while the higher trailheads are fifteen degrees cooler (still too cold for much nude exposure). The real catch, though, is the relative obscurity of many of these abandoned and gated roads which lend themselves well to a nude hike. Accessible, warmer, and relatively unused . . . a good combination.

The snow starts early once you start gaining altitude. In the lower elevations the alder canopy shades the snow, keeping it around . . . nice and crunchy and not too hard to hike on.

The size of that boulder is not readily apparent in the image. Let's say it was bigger than a small house and perched precariously right over the trail.

The fifteen hundred feet of elevation gain is not really apparent until you come across vistas like these canyon walls that are just not visible from below. Scenes like these make the hike well worth it.

Snow is getting deep, saturated wet and very heavy. There is wildlife active all over the place . . . lots of deer tracks, the recent meanderings of a cougar somewhere up here that keeps me alert and glancing about. One set of tracks made me think bear . . . a yearling, possibly, but I can't be sure. And then there were the tracks of a small canine. Wherever the wildlife is, I don't see them but I'm sure they're about and watching my noisy progress; wondering what sort of animal I am.

Turning east and heading into the heart of the wilderness the snow becomes a chore to wade through. As the slopes become exposed near the treeline, the snow softens. Snowshoes barely support me. My target for the day was the broad, sunlit valley ahead but I've reached a self-imposed time limit. Reluctantly I turn around. It will be close to sunset by the time I make it back to the car and the process of rewarming myself.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Goldmyer Hot Springs Update, Mar 2nd, 2007

From Beth at Goldmyer HS

As of March 2, 2007: a brief return to winter and 12" of new snow over the last couple of days, making for a total of about 18" at Goldmyer, we're now looking ahead to a week of snowlines above Goldmyer and rain showers on and off. Of course this means the river depth will rise as a consequence of snowmelt. did a caretaker change over yesterday, and the new snow was amazing to drive thru! Our high clearance vehicles in 4-wl drive could slice right thru the snow without a bit of resistance, in and out of deep tire ruts. It was so fun. We finally had to stop about a mile beyond Dingford (or about 3 miles below the river ford) where we were 'plowing' the snow. Snowshoes or xx-skis were definately needed beyond there. As the days pass, the snow will melt back up the road. Currently there is a big tree down across the road about 2 miles before the river ford. Beware of the river this week, guess for sure what the depth will be, and it reach difficult or dangerous conditions.