
Wednesday, October 5, 2005

Wreck Beach Petition Deadline

Everybody who comes to my blog right now, STOP and PLEASE Take a Moment to send off an email to the University of British Columbia requesting they keep the students towers from intruding over the Clothing Optional Wreck Beach.

Take a moment now! Forget about the rest of my blog . . . it will still be there after you petition UBC. This is important! The future of one of the finest clothing-optional beaches IN THE WORLD is at stake.

Dear Lovers of Wreck Beach,

Here is the note to attach to the form letter that folks can complete and e-mail directly to me at They do not have to bother sending to all the names at the bottom, but please leave the cc's at the bottom for continuity's sake. Thanks, Judy

Dear Wreck Beach Friend/ Supporter:

We will not only be showing what a petition with 40,000-strong signatures looks like, at the public hearing of October 5, we will also be binding all your letters and submitting them. Please, please, please take just a couple of moments out of your busy schedule to fill in your own reasons why you do not want to see three 18-storey towers looming over Wreck Beach, and then e-mail it just to me, Judy Williams at You will not have to send to any of the names cc'd below the form letter because the WBPS will bind these for presentation and they will be entitled: "Wreck Beach Love Letters," October 5, 2005." The hitch is that I need your letters ASAP, by 5 a.m. on Wednesday, October 5 at which point, I will be taking them into Kinko's to bind FOR PRESENTATION THE SAME EVENING.. Please take the time to make this one gesture for the freedom and preservation of our precious beach. Thank you so very, very much.

United we stand. Divided we fall.

Judy Williams, Chair, WBPS

604-856-9598 for additional information or


Here is the text of the email you should send. Highlight it and copy it to an new message in your email program; then add you own personalized thoughts where indicated. Don't forget to keep the cc's at the bottom in your message.

Remember to e-mail directly to Judy at



Mr. Johnny Carline, Chief Administrative Officer,
(CAO) The Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD);
c/o Paulette Vetleson,
Corporate Secretary to the Joint GVRD-UBC Committee
4330 Kingsway,
Burnaby, BC CANADA V5H 4G8

Dear Mr. Carline:

At the July 29, 2005 GVRD Board of Directors meeting, the WBPS presented alternate locations and building designs for student housing to the UBC Marine Towers Phase II site. I urge the GVRD to support your staff recommendations for preserving the viewscape from low-low tide at Wreck Beach toward the cliff tops as originally envisioned. I also urge you to insist that UBC prove "hardship" if they continue with ill-conceived plans to build three (3) more towers to 53 m. in the current location overlookingWreck Beach. In addition, a proper public consultation process must beengaged in Fall 2005. Surely, over 37,000 petition signatures must emphasize public concern and the necessity for the GVRD to steward this most beautiful beach. If built, these four towers will symbolize UBC shame, mockery of due public process, and unwillingness to be a better neighbour to Pacific Spirit Regional Park.

Please persuade UBC to relocate and lower the three (3) Phase II towers to preserve our viewscapes and cliff habitat because:

"Add your thoughts as to why these towers should not be there, here."

Most sincerely yours,



Mr. Ed Andrusiak, Parks Manager

Mr. Hugh Kellas, Properties and Planning

Mr. Kris Nichols, Properties and

Ms. Judy Higginbotham, Chairman of the Parks Committee

Ms. Barbara Sharp, Co-Chair, GVRD-UBC Joint Committee

Ms. Anne Roberts, Member, GVRD-UBC Joint Committee

Mr. Gary Gibson, GVRD-UBC Joint Committee

Mr. Mitch Sokalski, Manager, West Area Parks

Ms. Judy Williams, Chair, WBPS: ( )

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