
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Upcoming Portland, Oregon Events

We have two superlative and legal clothing-optional beaches down in Portland, Oregon and both AANR and ORCOBA have events planned to make these beaches even better and gain increased acceptance from the surrounding communities . . . which is already good because of the efforts of naturists.

We also are going to be graced by a nude private showing of a travelling nude art exhibit and people will be given to chance to pose nude or try their hand at drawing the nude form.

April 8, 2006: UnClad 2006 art exhibit - Private viewing for nudists and also looking for anyone who is interested in modeling or artists who want to sketch, paint, sculpt, etc the models. You don't have to be an artist or model to enjoy an evening viewing nude art in the nude. The invitation has been extended to TNS groups in Oregon and Washington, AANR clubs in Oregon and Washington, the Slugs, and members of the NWnaturist newsgroup, as well as other Oregon newsgroups, such as ORCOBA and NWFunInTheSun. Website - Email for info

April 22, 2006: ORCOBA teams up with ODFW for Earth Day 2006 on Sauvies Island ORCOBA members have been cleaning up the clothing-optional beach on Sauvies Island . . . along with the adjacent textile beach and associated parking areas . . . for years, often staging impromtu parties to do a thorough litter patrol that endears ORCOBA to the Oregon Wildlife people that control this beautiful beach. This year, we make it official in cooperation with SOLV, to adopt Collins Beach on behalf of the naturists who so dearly love this place.

May 20, 2006: ORCOBA hosts SOLVs "Down by the Riverside" event at Collins Beach While AANR tackles the annual flood damage at Rooster Rock, ORCOBA will do likewise at Collins . . . insure the beach is cleared of debris and the famously deep, soothing sand is free of litter for the height of the summer season.

May 20, 2006: AANR-NW/SOLV "Down by the Riverside" Rooster Rock Beach clean up Last year, the Rangers at Rooster Rock hornswoggled us . . . we ended up almost completely rebilding an entire trail that got submerged and eroded away during the high-water spring runoff of the Columbia River. It is estimated in some quarters that several tons of sand got moved to create that new trail . . . which arriving visitors applauded as we opened it up for easy access to the beach. I have no doubt that the rangers have something just as sneaky in mind for us this year. But hey . . . it was sunny and it was fun pusing all those wheelbarrows stark-ass naked.

June 21, 2006: AANR-NW/SOLV Sauvie Island Beach clean up

August 5,6, 2006: AANR-NW GAT Rooster Rock Beach/Restful Haven/Sauvie
Island weekend
You simply cannot miss this get-together. Last year, Restful Haven . . . a great Nudist Resort just east of Portland, opened their doors to anyone who participated in the clean-up efforts at Rooster Rock. If you are a non-affiliated nudist, this is a great opportunity to visit a full-featured nudist resort and enjoy their amenities . . . set up a tent and stay the night, and then join us for a quick clean-up on Sauvies Island before enjoying the rest of the day on the beach with a cookout.

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