
Saturday, July 29, 2006

This Past Week in PacNorthWest Nudism

What the Nudist Forums Have to Say (July 22 - 28th)

Yahoo Nudism:
-Naturism vs Smoothieism . . . shaving, essentially. Why and how members get the hair off.
-Discussion about changing children poolside at public pools. Seems the prudes in New Zealand want mothers to send their little children off to same sex changing rooms by themselves rather than allow the mother to change the little tykes at poolside. Pool nazies fear perverts with camera are luking all over.

- A spirited discussion of the safety of swimming at Collins Beach on Sauvies Island in light of the recent newspaper articles on polution in the Columbia River. Consensus is that nobody has any problems.

- LARC NudieBlues scheduled for the 29th
- A round robin nude hike in the Mt Hood area
- Questions on how to shave the pubic area without getting razor burn
- Another round of questions about how to avoid chaffing of the inner thighs during nude hikes. The most common answer, apply a little vasaline . . . LOL
- A really silly proposed bylaw in a British town banning middle-aged men with shaved heads from going about topless.

RixPlace: (non-Yahoo moderated general nudism discussion forum)
- Major discussion of the merits and shortcomings of air conditioning at nudist resorts, with technical details of tonnage, humidity and temperatures in the nudist comfort range.
- Announcement of launch of Nudes in the News at
- Link to a silly Bud commercial called Mr Nudist Colony Activity Coordinator
-News excerpt on the new suncreen product called Anthelios SX put out by L'oreal
-A great trip report of a social naturist walk in England where the Bobbies (police for us Americans) dropped by and in friendly conversation expressed interest in joining in on future walks.

-People are still wondering if Sand Island at Rooster Rock is accessible yet. Soon . . . Reports of water thigh-deep and more . . . trails very mucky
- A great trip report by Don, the NACAR for the Portland area and Collins and Rooster Rock on the TNS Western Gathering held last weekend at Laguna del Sol, near Sacremento. Next years Gathering to be at Lupin Lodge.

-Really good directions to Gunnison Beach on Sandy Hook, NJ if you ever happen to be out that way.

- Lots of questions about camping at Sauvies, lots of get-togethers being arranged at Collins, announcements of upcoming events like NudieBlues at LARC, the Wreck Beach Bare Buns Run
- Discussion about the Yellow Flag program, the program of ORCOBA that attempts to put a safe and friendly presence on Collins and Rooster Rock clothing-optional beaches
-Invitations to attend clothing-optional figure drawing events in the Portland area
-A lot of discussion on the recent TNS Western Gathering which was just concluded

SLUGS: (restricted to members)
- The SLUGS are hiding out at FS tonight, watching the meteor showers.
- The SLUGS Annual Potholes Retreat was last weekend. We have yet to see a trip report . . . but I understand it was blistering hot . . . the kind of weather the presents high slug mortality rates

- A great day spent at Collins Beach last Saturday; the tan is coming along nicely
- Lots of time spent up at Scenic HS hunting a black bear and her cub with my camera. Lots of time in the nude on those sun-soaked slopes. Article posted to the Scenic Blog here That's me in the picture sitting there with binoculars for hours just waiting for her.
- Several short 2-4 hour nude hikes in the Enchanted Wilderness area and one long nude backpack overnight to Deception Pass.
- Answered four requests for information of nudist resorts in Washington by viewers of my Clothing-Optional Interactive Map
- Playing host this weekend to Eric (SoaksData) of North American Hot Springs in discussions of Scenic and Wind River Hot Springs for his upcoming publication and website database.

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