
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Getting into the Season-Thars Snow in dem Mountains

Earlier in the day as I struggled in 3-4 feet of
fresh snow up in the Beckler River area

Seattle's getting hammered with a freak snowstorm, dropping temperatures (dealt with one frozen water pipe already), and stressed out people wondering how they're going to get to work tomorrow.

Not me . . . can't get anything done work-wise so it was the beautiful, raw majesty of Mother Nature up in the Cascades. Much better than sitting in traffic inching along on glaze ice at half a mile an hour (at best). My Civic is really proving itself . . . I've yet to put the chains on I bought two years ago!

Needless to say, eventually we had to head back to reality and the mess in Seattle. I saw more cars abandoned or stuck than I have since the '96 storms in the area. The drive was thoroughly stressing. Then I had to deal with the water pipe. A fire in the fireplace was a natural. It's a pain in the ass to get one going. Essentially I'm lazy and impatient. I won't split kindling and constantly mess with the fire . . . it's a wonder I can ever get one going. My pyromaniacal idea is to wad up the entire Sunday newspaper in an attempt to get a fire going.

A cheery fire is one of my favorite things. I just love to sit next to one and absorb the radiant heat, watch the dance of the flames. No TV tonight . . . just spiced wine and good music . . . and it doesn't matter how much the Arctic-blast wind is howling outside.

A good hot fire, a pot of spiced wine, classical music . . .
what else do you need. Season's Greetings to
all my friends and wish you were here.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I bet you wish you had one of these.
