
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Bare Bowling in Portland

Bare Bowling (along with Nude Swims) is offered to the greater naturist and nudist community at very reasonable rates. But these events require attendence to cover the costs of renting the facility. If you've never attended one of these great events in the past, why don't you give it a try and learn what naturism is all about, and help assure that we will have these types of events continue in the Portland area.

Hidden Springs has another bare bowling in the planning for Saturday January 27 from 7 pm until 9 pm. At this point we don't have enough people to financially afford to hold this event. This event combined with the winter swims are the only indoor nude activities outside of landed clubs in the Portland area. We hate to see these events vanish.

Therefore I am calling on those of you that are still thinking about participating in this event to commit to this event prior to this Saturday January 20. If on January 20 not enough people have signed up we will see ourselves forced to cancel the January as well as the March 10 bowling events. It takes a lot of effort to locate facilities to host nudists groups and once we have to cancel these events it may be very difficult to find another facility that will rent their bowling alley to nudists.

Please help us to continue these unique events in the Portland area. Signing up and pre-registration can be done by e-mailing me at

Personally I have bowled my best games while nude so give yourself the chance to do the same.


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