
Thursday, February 15, 2007

Goldmyer Hot Springs Update

From Beth at Goldmyer

As of February 9, 2007: Currently there's about a foot of snow at Goldmyer. Temperatures are now above freezing at and below Goldmyer's elevation. This means the snow along the last 3 miles of the road before the river ford is soft, deep, and very heavy. High clearance vehicles, even equiped with 4-wheel drive and chains, won't be able to drive all the way to the river ford for (probably) a few days. I was stopped about 2 miles down on 2-8. Snowshoes or xxskis are the best mode of transportation beyond your vehicle at the monent. The river is low... you might, or might not, get your kneecaps wet. The river is very cold this time of year... think wet suit booties-water shoes-or tennis shoes to wade across rather than tevas! Have ski poles for balance in crossing the river.

Go prepared and don't forget your common sense! There are usually spaces available mid-week this time of year for visitors arriving without a reservation:---with cash in hand (or a current membership card), arriving during our hours for check-in (8am to 10pm), willing to follow the use rules, and know how to find the place. We recommend calling the office ahead of time for week-end days to double check on availability and reservations. The reservation office is in Seattle, and office hours are Tuesdays 1 till 6pm, and Fridays 3 till 8pm (no one is there in between these hours). If you leave a message for a return call, be sure to speak clearly, include your area code(s) with your phone number(s), and be avaliable at that number during our office hours for a call-back. If you've never been to Goldmyer before, or only visited during the summer/early fall, it is highly recommended that you call the office to help you prepare for a visit.

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