
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sauvie Island, Collins Beach AANR/SOLV Cleanup Report

From Shirley G., AANR-NW GAT is an open email to the Sauvie Island Naturists (the volleyballers in general) and other naturists and nudists at Collins Beach, which Shirley has graciously allowed to be openly shared:

The clean up went great! We concentrated our efforts on the gravel road (blackberry bush areas) and entrance six which really needed some attention. I doubt the litter problem is anymore greater in that area but I think people tend to neglect or do that area last when they have clean ups. It was sunny and nice. We had the opportunity to chat with Larry Weaver for a long lengthy period of time and I really enjoyed that. I was surprised at the amount of litter!

We have an online news called the enews. You do not have to be an AANR member to subscribe. That is where I post all Government Affairs Team information. It's simple just email In the subject line say "Please Subscribe." In the message portion you can say Shirley ask me to subscribe. You will up to date information about all the beach clean ups at Sauvie and Rooster Rock.

This is what I shared at our meeting-The new legislation which is bill HB3317 which I have attached is a direct result of a man in Rainer, Washington who has been nude inappropriately. I shared over ten pieces of snail mail (hard copy US mail) communication I have had with law enforcement, legislators, and commissioners. I then asked members to write to addresses concerning retaining Larry's position at Sauvie Island. I have made it clear in my communication with those making decisions that not only do we want the law enforcement position but that we want Larry Weaver. Larry has built a trust with Collins Beach and contributes to the success.

We had 40-50 (my guess) members at this meeting and all were very concerned and receptive to writing letters and continued financial support of the beach clean ups GAT hosts at Sauvie. (Of course we really never clean the beach but concentrate on the road and the nearby park as the beach is truly kept nice by those like yourself that use it on a regular basis. We also use the clean ups to educated folks concerning proper beach etiquette. We usually set up our canopy in the middle of the beach so that we can attract those folks who may be visiting the beach for the first time.

Let me make it really clear-We are lucky to have you and your group Sauvie Island Naturists (SIN) at Sauvie Island. Truly you are the protectors of the clothing optional beach and we value you very much. When I have the opportunity to speak with folks concerning nudity on public lands I always say we owe them (the beaches) to the nudists who go nude and use them. There is no doubt in any AANR-NW members mind that Sauvie Island Naturists deserve the credit for preserving Collin Beach.

Would I like to have every nudist be a member of AANR? You bet I would. AANR members financially support all the work I do and I could not personally finance the gas alone for my trips to the capitol to fight bills like the one above without dues paying members Shoot SIN alone has enough volleyball players for the requirements to be AANR affiliated! But I also realize that a lot of folks are not joiners and respect that also. You don't have to be a member of anything to be a valuable asset to AANR. We also have a "Friends of AANR" program and membership cards to that are only $5. Your not a member nor do you receive benefits of the newsletter. Basically a "Friend of AANR" says I support the work that AANR does. So much for the pitch.

What helps me is having eyes and ears on the beach. I need as many eyes and ears on the beach as I can get. Direct contacts at the beach are invaluable and just as worthy as a membership. Should this HB3317 get a hearing I will be off to the capitol for a hearing and we really do not know what is going to happen when Jim goes to court for the computer chargers.

Please feel free to share this email and especially express my sincere appreciation to your group for contributing so much to the success at Collins Beach.


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