
Thursday, October 4, 2007

NAC Huntington Beach Nude Swim!


Because of a scheduling conflict, the Naturist Action Committee announces that the date of the NAC Huntington Beach Swim has been changed to Saturday, November 3, 2007.

The nude event in the municipally owned Huntington Beach City Gym had originally been scheduled for a week earlier on October 27. The new date should allow a greater number of naturists to participate. Responding to popular demand, we've also extended the event for an additional hour.

Essential information is repeated below, along with the date revision and a few clarifications.


NAC has rented the Huntington Beach City Gym from the City for this activity. NAC made the application and paid the fee, making certain at each step of the way that City bureaucrats understand this will be a nude swim.

WHEN : Saturday, November 3, 2007. 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM
WHERE: Huntington Beach City Gym,
1600 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA
WHO : This is a family friendly nude swim, open to naturists of all
ages. Naturists and their guests are welcome.
FEE : $10 each, at the door.

ADMITTANCE: This is a private use of a public facility. The event is intended for naturists and is not open to the general public. There is no specific club or organization membership prerequisite, but if you are attending as an unaffiliated naturist, you may be asked for a naturist reference who can vouch for you.

Please bring a driver's license or other appropriate photo ID.

POLICIES: This is a nude event. Please use standard naturist etiquette. No cameras allowed. An official photographer will be taking a few photographs for NAC and for The Naturist Society's N magazine, but you may ask to be excluded from the pictures, if you wish.

The Naturist Action Committee announces the NAC Huntington Beach Swim! This is a nude event, in the municipally owned Huntington Beach City Gym.


NAC has rented the Huntington Beach City Gym from the City for this activity. NAC made the application and paid the fee, making certain at each step of the way that City bureaucrats understand this will be a nude swim.

WHEN:Saturday, November 3, 2007. 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM (rescheduled date)
WHERE: Huntington Beach City Gym, 1600 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA
WHO: This is a family friendly nude swim. All are welcome.
FEE: $10 each, at the door.

Google Directions:

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Click here for a NAC Advisory concerning the NAC Huntington Beach Swim!

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