
Sunday, December 30, 2007

Meager Creek Hot Springs Update

From Mike Sato,

On Oct 10, 2007, I visited Meager Creek Hot Springs with a Recreation Officer from BC Ministry of Forest. We were doing an assessment of Meager Creek’s current conditions in order to determine what improvements would be necessary before opening Meager Creek Hot Springs to the public.

In fall of 2003, the Meager Creek Bridge was washed out due to heavy flooding. Since the site had been closed for over 4 years, I was expecting a much worse condition for the hot springs. However, it was not bad as I had thought it would be. Some portions of the trees on the trails are overgrown, and several fallen trees need to be cleaned up. As well, a new trail head may be necessary. Change room, signs, and toilets need to be cleaned and needs minor repairs and new paint. The only major problem I could find was with the Creek Side Warm Pool.

Meager Creek has shifted some 30~ 40 feet south due to the 2003 flood, and in the past 4 years, Meager Creek has moved to within 8 feet of this pool. If this continues, the Creek Side Warm Pool will most likely be eroded within a few years. To prevent the erosion of this pool, a backhoe or excavator will be required to create a stone retaining wall. However, before this can be done, a geotech engineer’s assessment will be necessary. Depending on the geotech engineer’s report, this pool may have to be abandoned or be rebuilt at a safer location.

Meager Creek Hot Springs is closed until maintenance and pool repairs are completed. It is anticipated that this will be completed in spring of 2008, and that Meager Creek Hot Springs may be open to the public by summer of 2008. Formerly, Meager Creek Hot Springs was a BC Ministry of Forest Recreation Site. However, it is now in the jurisdiction of BC Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Arts due to restructuring, along with all other Forestry Recreation sites. Therefore, the actual opening date will be dependent upon the funding available from the BC Ministry of Tourism, Sport and Arts.

The Meager Creek Bridge still remains under the jurisdiction of the BC Ministry of Forest and an announcement will be made by the BC Ministry of Forest regarding its reopening. It is likely that the Meager Creek Bridge will also open in the spring or summer of 2008. However, it is doubtful that the bridge will be reopened until all pool repairs and improvements are completed at Meager Creek Hot Springs.

When Meager Creek opens to the public, there will be a user fee. The fee is expected to be $5.00 per person per day. Children 12 and under are free. Meager Creek Hot Springs is bathing suit optional. Dogs are not permitted on the Trail or in and around the pools. During the spring and fall, the pools are open from 8am to 6pm. During the summer, the pools are open from 8am to 8pm.

Camping is not allowed at Meager Creek Hot Springs Recreation Site. Camping is restricted to the junction of Meager Creek and the Lillooet River 8km away. This area is called the Upper Lillooet Campground, and it has over 30 camp sites. The camping fee is $10.00 per night for each vehicle. Upper Lillooet Campground is open daily from May 1~Oct 15. Both the Upper Lillooet Campground and Meager Creek Hot Springs Recreation Site will be maintained by Mt. Currie Indian Band in 2008.

The gates to Meager Creek Hot Springs are located at 9 km on the Lillooet River FSR, just west of the Hurley River turn off. The gates are closed and locked from December to April. The distance from the gates to Meager Creek Hot Spring is about 36km.

Friday, November 9, 2007

A Victory for Skinnydipping in Surrey


*City of Surrey Patently Unreasonable in Barring Nude Swims*
Surrey, British Columbia – November 8, 2007

The B.C. Supreme Court today released the decision of Judge Williamson in the Judicial Review of the decision of the City of Surrey to disallow Skinnydipper Services Inc. from renting Newton Wave Pool for private nude swim events. In his decision, Judge Williamson said repeatedly of Surrey's arguments "I am not persuaded." The ruling states that the City's bylaw regulating bathing attire is "beyond the City's legislative competance" and that the decision to decline to rent pool facilities to us was patently unreasonable. The directors of Skinnydipper Services are elated at the outcome and are looking forward to informing the club membership.

A copy of this and previous press releases as well as all court documents will be available on our “Save the Wave” website. Visit and click on “Media Information”. Judge Williamson's decision is available from the Vancouver Court Registry here.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cold Weather, Digital Cameras, and Battery Life

I like to take a lot of pictures when I hike up in the mountains (of myself, of course, but a lot of landscape scenery shots as well.) One of the problems us shutterbugs may have noticed is that the batteries just don't seem to last as long in cold weather . . . particularly in the near freezing temps of the Cascades at this time of year. It's not a new phenomena . . . batteries just don't work as well at low temperatures, and that includes all that paraphernalia gadgetry we like to carry. . . GPS units, cell phones, FRS radios.

But particularly my camera which has optical zoom and auto-focus features that really eat up the power. I find that when the air temperature drops below 40F my camera batteries are only good for a third to a half of the images they normally should take. The time-honored way for cold weather photographers is to tuck the camera under the jacket when you're not taking a picture, thus keeping the camera and batteries warm. But that's counterproductive if you're hiking nude . . . as I'm often doing (seems my body does far better in the cold than my fancy electronic equipment).

I do carry spare batteries as a matter of course and my answer for cold weather battery life is to keep those spare batteries in my pack with one of those chemical hand warmers up against them. When my primary battery goes 'south' I switch out batteries for the warm backup. Battery life is still not as great but by doing the switching (the primary will warm up and regain additional life), I get close to normal use.

Another factor is to insulate your camera if that is at all possible . . . some sort of case or 'camera cozy' to prevent the all-metal body of your camera from getting really cold. Something as simple as a ziplock baggie over the camera with the lens poking out, while un-elegant and ugly, goes a long way to keeping the camera (and the battery) just a little warmer, and protected from moisture and the elements. Wedge in another hand warmer and your camera will stay nice and warm . . . and the battery perky.

The LCD on digital cameras uses a lot of power so switch it off and use the viewfinder instead. If you have power optical zoom, try to minimize it's use.

The same protocol applies to the other electronic devices you might carry. The batteries will have only half the life as they get cold. Keep cell phones and such in your pack and carry backup batteries.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

2nd Annual Naked Bungy Jump for Schizophrenia

Saturday, February 23 and Sunday, February 24, 2008 - 10am to 5pm

This popular annual event raises funds for the British Columbia Schizophrenia Society. At this adult-only event, participants and spectators must be 19 and older. The minimum donation required per participant jumping naked is $25Can for pre-registration and $35Can for walk-ins. Those wishing to support the charity by jumping with their clothes on can also pre-register or walk-in and pay the regular jump rate of $99.99Can. Spectators are charged an admission fee of $15Can per person. Online registration for this event will start in January 2008. For information before registration starts, call 1-888-668-7874.

I did this event last year and it was a body-awakening experience. Plan for the 2nd Annual Naked Bungy Jump for Schizophrenia in Feb of 2006.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

First Snow Hike of the Season

West Side of Captain's Point via Marten's Creek
and the south flanks of Scrabble Mountain

Looking due north off a spur ridge of Captain's Point near the
intersection of the Kelley Creek Trail.

I might be a little light on the posting but certainly not on the hiking, though the lousy weather has put somewhat of a damper in my activities. But with a string of nice, sunny days, a chance for some hiking was in the offing. Where, was the $64,000 question.

Cold (or cooler) weather . . . shorter days . . . and that ever-present threat of rain limit the reasonable choices you can make if you want to hike nude. I find the major factor in my decision-making for cold-weather nude hiking is exposure . . . specifically the amount of exposure to sunlight that I can expect on my body. If it's already 40F out and your hiking naked under dark canopy or late afternoon shade, then you are going to get cold rather fast. I want the sun on my skin to warm me. That need narrows choices. I'm going to have to get on the ridges, stick to south-facing slopes and plan my route so that I have the sun facing me inbound, and again facing me in the afternon when I'm outbound. On top of that, I've got to avoid windy areas. Where do you find a route that meets those requirements, is still interesting enough to hike, and is nude-friendly?

No snow when I started around 3,300 ft. Valhalla Ridge is in the background above Marten Creek valley

I opted for a disused logging road at the far end of the Marten Creek valley (the same road that leads many people to the very popular Iron Goat Trailhead). The valley is a broad glacial valley facing south. Ten miles further in than the Iron Goat TH, the road gives access to several old logging areas on Captains, Windy Peak and the hinterland mountains that give rise to Valhalla and Scrabble Mountains. At the creek's headwaters the road (already gated a mile back) crosses a wooden bridge and begins a steep and long climb up the sides of the slopes toward the backside of Captain's Point. What is interesting about this hike is that you have it to yourself . . . and if anyone did by any chance want to come up this logging road you would see them from a long distance off. A great place to hike nude!

Snow peppers the ground near the top. Not a great deal as we haven't had any great, precip-dumping storms yet. An average of 6-8 inches . . . snowshoes not needed.

Once on top I go exploring . . . searching for a route to connect around to the northwest side of Captain's Point where the ridge continues northwesterly to connect with Johnson Ridge and Joan Lake. This section of ridge belongs to the Kelley Creek Trail, which comes around Captain's from the south and west. It would be nice if I could blaze a connector route to cut off the hard under canopy trail of Kelley. I know where I need to go . . . in fact, can see the meadow where the trail comes up onto the ridge. Unfortunately, I still cannot see the easy way across one last treacherous wall of rock between the ridges.

As often happens . . . you run out of time and know you have but a few hours of light to get back. Reluctantly, I do. Good thing I brought a headlamp as I make it back to the car and warmth later than I think . . . because I daddled. But I daddled nude and didn't really feel the cold until I stop moving and sat down in my car. Then I realized how cold is was outside . . . 34F and dropping.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mountain Loop Highway Reopens

At long last . . . at least until the snows start.

Cold Facts About our Warm Planet

Cold Facts
Last month, KIRO-7 TV ran an excellent documentary, Cold Facts About our Warm Planet. They've recently made the program available online for download or as streaming video. The show examines the impacts of climate change on the environment of the Pacific Northwest. I highly recommend watching the streaming video directly from the KIRO-7 website; or downloading the MP4 video files for offline playback.

HINT: Right-click the KIRO-7 player on their website and select Full Screen for the best effect.


DOWNLOAD: Cold Facts About Our Warm Planet, Segment 1
DOWNLOAD: Cold Facts About Our Warm Planet, Segment 2
DOWNLOAD: Cold Facts About Our Warm Planet, Segment 3
DOWNLOAD: Cold Facts About Our Warm Planet, Segment 4

Sunday, October 21, 2007

DiggIt Question: About Nudism & Naturism

Is it perversion or innocence? Is it right or wrong? Why is being naked so great to some people?!

read more | digg story

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bob Jacoby, Goldmyer Director and friend, passes away

Unexpected and sad news comes from the Goldmyer Hot Springs community that Bob Jacoby has passed away. I've had the pleasure of Bob's friendship over the past several years . . . both at Goldmyer HS and enjoying discussions on Scenic HS. His friendly, easygoing demeanor will be missed by everyone who knew him. Rick

From Chuck at Goldmyer:

This is a sad time for the Goldmyer community. Bob Jacoby, a good friend, long time Director, volunteer, and general all around great guy died suddenly about 10 days ago. His cheerful demeanor, willingness to pitch in to accomplish countless projects, and cooking skills at work parties where he had the famous "Bob Kebobs", pizza or salmon cooked on the grill will be greatly missed. Bob was largely responsible for designing and building the cabana, propane and wood sheds, and was hard at work on the new tool shed.
Bob's memorial and celebration of life will be this Saturday, Oct. 20, 2007 at The Center for Urban Horticulture at 11AM. The Center is located at 3501 NE 41st St in Seattle, not far from the University Village shopping center and Montlake. As Bob had many interests and friends and family, a big turn-out is expected. There will be a service, followed by 'Discovery Time'. The Jacoby family wishes the Discovery Time to be an opportunity for folks to tell stories and memories about Bob. Music and munchies will follow, including a 'Milk and Newman-Os' corner with one of Bob's favorite snacks of Paul Newman's version of Oreo cookies and dunking milk. John Jacoby will be playing some of his and his brother Bob's compositions. Things will wind down by 3pm.
--From 520, use the Montlake exit and head north. Merge onto NE 45th St. Turn right onto Mary Gates Memorial Dr. NE.and continue on 41st St.
--From I-5, you can also take the 45th St exit and head east thru the University district. After a number of miles you will pass by the University Village. Turn right at Mary Gates Memorial Dr. NE and continue on 41st St.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Book Review: Carellin Brooks and Wreck Beach

Profile: Carellin Brooks
By John Burns

There are probably as many reasons for going to Wreck Beach as there are grains of sand on the bit of secluded coast beneath UBC’s Museum of Anthropology–or at least as there are vendors peddling everything from Popsicles to pot cookies. But for Carellin Brooks, who has just published a history of the beach with the simple title Wreck Beach(Transmontanus/New Star Books, $19), there’s only one that counts: freedom.

”I went out in the water and had this real epiphany,” Brooks says over dim sum, about her first time at Wreck, 20 years ago. “It was like going to church for the first time for someone, the first time they feel the presence of God–that’s what I felt. I got into the water and I just started floating, and was floating on my back looking up at the sky and I was like, ‘This is as free as I’m ever going to get.’”

In case you’ve never been, Wreck Beach makes it clear that the area is not completely free. There are the rules enforced (to varying degrees) by the campus RCMP; and then there are the rules of the Wreck Beach Preservation Society, the self-appointed guardians headed by Wreck doyenne Judy Williams.

In the book, Brooks quizzes Williams about the likely fate of the often-threatened beach. “There are three things that’s going to kill the beach,” Williams is quoted as saying. “Gay sex. Drugs. And drinking. These things happen everywhere, but because we’re a nudist beach they’re a big deal.”

Ah, sex. Brooks agrees with Williams, but says that holding Wreck Beach to a higher standard is ridiculous: “It’s almost as if you want nudism to be untainted. And in order for it to be untainted, you have to say, ‘No, no, no. Nobody’s thinking about sex when they’re nudists.’ It’s an untenable situation.”

Wreck Beach details other dangers, such as UBC’s thirst for adjacent condo development and our insistence on smoothing out the wild places. “You sort of kill it to save it,” Brooks argues. “It’s like chemotherapy, right? ‘We’re going to bring you to the brink, but the beach will still be there–under the rubble.’”

However, Brooks says the real threat to Wreck Beach is a simple pair of shorts: “The thing that the regulars say is bad about the beach is people who come down there wearing bathing suits.…You’ll get skimboarders and they’ll say, ‘Well, I have to wear shorts, because if I don’t wear shorts, I’ll get sand in my balls.’ And that’s quite possibly true, but do they have to wear shorts the rest of the time on the beach? Well, no, they don’t. But I think the regulars feel that they’re the last line of defence against it becoming like any other beach, and that’s how that happens–in their eyes.”

Brooks dreams of recognition by UBC, by the province, and by users that the place needs protection–from both developers and would-be neuterers. “In my little dream world, Wreck Beach is a place that is exempt from all the regular rules,” she says, “while at the same time having a number of very specific rules. I don’t want it to be a clothing-optional beach; I want it to be a nude-only beach. I want people to be frisked for cameras when they arrive. It’s idiosyncratic, but I want you to be able to get whatever you want to drink there and whatever you want to smoke there and whatever, and they can ban the boats while they’re at it. Ban the boats, ban the Jet Skis. That’s my world.”

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Participate in a Clean Up and Get to Soak at Scenic

When: October 27th, 2007 at 9-10am

Where: FS850 (Scenic Access Road) at gate (confirmed volunteers will get detailed directions)

What: Erosion control; trash cleanup, etc

The snow's not far behind us and this is our last chance to join with Mike to clean-up the springs area in preparation for the winter season. We need to do a substantial bit of winter erosion control and cleanup.

Dress for the weather and be prepared to get dirty. It's hard to predict where the snow will be so dress in layers; have good, sturdy boots; and work gloves. We have need of shovels and picks for some of the work.

We will try to meet at the gate and drive further in . . . but those plans are dependent on weather. It's important that those who can (or plan to) participate RSVP so we can keep you updated on where to meet up. RSVPs can be made to me at bang

The work party will be clothed but the soak afterward will be an enjoyable soak au' natural in the hot springs Monster Tub with pure natural hot springs water at 110 degs F while we enjoy perhaps some snow flakes drifting down on the valleys and mountainsides around us. Plus, those who participate in more than one cleanup get credit and consideration for permission to visit again (legally) . . . while we are in the 'realization' stages of bringing Scenic Hot Springs back to the public.

Overlooking the last remaining hot springs pool
at Scenic, the Monster Tub - 8x15ftx4ft deep
(over 3,000 gals of 110-115deg naturally hot water!)

Scenic Hot Springs has been nude-friendly and we'd like to convince the owner to keep it that way. The property is located on 40 private mountainside acres near Stevens Pass with superlative views. The owner of the property is devoted to bringing back the hot springs in as natural a state as possible for the enjoyment of the public and he deserves our help in keeping the property clean and pristine while he goes through the bureaucratic red-tape of allowing the rebuilding of natural rock pools and nature hiking trails. Here is our chance to prove that nudists and naturists are advocates and supporters of a rekindled Scenic Hot Springs. Here is an opportunity to keep and expand on the nude-friendliness of the property.

Important Note: Scenic Hot Springs is Private Property and the owner is expected to control access while he is in the permitting stages. Please do not take this posting as notice that Scenic is open to the public yet. Those who are helping get to enjoy . . . those who are not will just have to wait. Please do not trespass without permission.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

NAC Huntington Beach Nude Swim!


Because of a scheduling conflict, the Naturist Action Committee announces that the date of the NAC Huntington Beach Swim has been changed to Saturday, November 3, 2007.

The nude event in the municipally owned Huntington Beach City Gym had originally been scheduled for a week earlier on October 27. The new date should allow a greater number of naturists to participate. Responding to popular demand, we've also extended the event for an additional hour.

Essential information is repeated below, along with the date revision and a few clarifications.


NAC has rented the Huntington Beach City Gym from the City for this activity. NAC made the application and paid the fee, making certain at each step of the way that City bureaucrats understand this will be a nude swim.

WHEN : Saturday, November 3, 2007. 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM
WHERE: Huntington Beach City Gym,
1600 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA
WHO : This is a family friendly nude swim, open to naturists of all
ages. Naturists and their guests are welcome.
FEE : $10 each, at the door.

ADMITTANCE: This is a private use of a public facility. The event is intended for naturists and is not open to the general public. There is no specific club or organization membership prerequisite, but if you are attending as an unaffiliated naturist, you may be asked for a naturist reference who can vouch for you.

Please bring a driver's license or other appropriate photo ID.

POLICIES: This is a nude event. Please use standard naturist etiquette. No cameras allowed. An official photographer will be taking a few photographs for NAC and for The Naturist Society's N magazine, but you may ask to be excluded from the pictures, if you wish.

The Naturist Action Committee announces the NAC Huntington Beach Swim! This is a nude event, in the municipally owned Huntington Beach City Gym.


NAC has rented the Huntington Beach City Gym from the City for this activity. NAC made the application and paid the fee, making certain at each step of the way that City bureaucrats understand this will be a nude swim.

WHEN:Saturday, November 3, 2007. 5:00 PM TO 8:00 PM (rescheduled date)
WHERE: Huntington Beach City Gym, 1600 Palm Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA
WHO: This is a family friendly nude swim. All are welcome.
FEE: $10 each, at the door.

Google Directions:

View Larger Map


Click here for a NAC Advisory concerning the NAC Huntington Beach Swim!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Do You Know Your Trees?

Part of the enjoyment of hiking in the Cascades is the pleasure and experience of the natural beauty of the forests. But do you know the trees you are hiking amongst? Cursor over an image and see if you've correctly identified the tree species.

Each image shows samples of foliages, cones, bark and the generalized location where the species can be typically located.

Clusters or bundles of 2-5 needles and evergreen? Probably a pine.

Lodgepole Pine; Ponderosa Pine; Western White Pine; Whitebark Pine

Single needles directly attached to the stem? Most likely a member of the spruce, fir, or hemlock family.

Needles that are 4-sided or diamond shaped in cross section and are attached to the twig with wooden pegs? If so you probably have a spruce!

Sitka Spruce; Engelmann Spruce

Needles that are are attached to the twig with suction cups (no pegs or stalks)? If so you probably have a fir!

Pacific Silver Fir; Grand Fir; Noble Fir; SubAlpine Fir

Needles that are flattened and attached to the twig with leaf stalks or stems? You either have a Hemlock or Douglas-Fir.

Needles that are yellow-green to blue-green, 3/4 to 1 1/4 inch long, very fragrant where needle tips are blunt or slightly rounded? If so you probably have a Douglas-Fir!

Needles wider, rounded at ends, green in color, with two white lines on the under surface? If so you probably have a hemlock!

Mountain Hemlock; Western Hemlock

Scale-like leaf? You have either a cedar, cypress or juniper.

Alaska Cedar; Incense Cedar; Port Orford Cedar; True Cedar; Western Red Cedar

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Portland Area: Nude Swims and Bowling by Hidden Springs

Summer is running towards its end and Hidden Springs is setting their sights towards the coming fall and winter season with indoor nude recreation nights and indoor bowling events.

We are also investigating other indoor nude events and will keep you informed when they come to fruition.

Our indoor nude recreation nights are planned for October 21, December 2, February 10 and March 23 from 7 pm until 9 pm. At this facility we have the availability of a sports pool, two hot tubs and two saunas's each at different temperatures. A basketball/Volleyball court is available and with enough people a game will break out. For a more private sporting time three racquetball courts are available.

Again we have been able to secure the services from a licensed massage therapist and she will offer chair massage during these events. The price for each event has remained the same at $10 per person for AANR/TNS members and $12 for non members when pre-registering.

Our bowling events will be on November 10, January 26 and March 1 from 7 pm until 9 pm. We have the availability of 8 bowling lanes and small snacks and drinks are available during the event. Unfortunately for the bowling events we have had to raise the admission prices to $13 per person for AANR/TNS members and $15 per person for non members when pre registering.

At the request of both venues we will only disclose the venues and times on the event when registering. Registration is available by sending an e-mail to, or contact Hidden Springs directly at either or 503-699-5442.

The pre-registration deadline is always the Wednesday prior to the event and prior to the first event we will handle season passes for all events.

Cougar Valley State Park Master Plan Update

Also Received via AANR eNews, an update on the proposed Cougar Valley State Park east of Tillamook and the potential for a clothing-optional area in that park. My previous post on Cougar Valley is located here.

Several months ago AANR-NW members wrote letters to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) soliciting for a clothing optional area at Cougar Valley State Park. Cougar Valley State Park is a proposed new park in the master planning stages and will be located in Tillamook County.

The OPRD received comments that there was a need to gather more information to address key issues during the planning process. OPRD decided to extend the planning process to allow time to gather more information. The report mentions that an area of concern was provision to protect and enhance fish and wildlife resources. OPRD will be working with the help of fish and wildlife professionals in order to gather potential impacts as a basis for decision-making.

Recent correspondence reports that they anticipate releasing the next draft of the master plan and holding another round of public meetings in the late winter or early spring of 2008. The meetings will be followed by another 30-day written comment period. It was originally scheduled for September 20 and has been delayed tentatively for May 8.

If this is of particular interest to you and you would like to volunteer with the Oregon AANR-NW Government Affairs Team please contact Shirley Gauthier.

Mountaindale Sun Resort Temporary Closure

Received via AANR eNews from: Bob Burns, President, Mountaindale Sun Resort

Re: Temporary Closure

Mountaindale Sun Resort has been temporarily closed due to a water supply problem. Visitors should not come to the club until the problem is cleared up. Residents are being supplied bottled water and water from a 4000 gallon tanker.

Anyone insistent on visiting must bring their OWN water supply.

Updates as they become known.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Anyone For Nude Fishing?

North Fork Skykomish above Garrand Mineral Springs

I see a lot of people hiking the floodplain of the Skykomish River with full fishing regalia. Meeting them on the outbound leg, I always ask if they caught anything . . . and the answers have always been a negative. Makes me wonder what is it they see in spending hours fishing only to leave with nothing to show.

I'm not a fisherman by anyone's stretch of the imagination. I know next to nothing about the sport. So I was quite surprised while heading past a deep river basin area along the river when something caught my eye in the quiet, protected waters of that pool aside from the fast water of the river. Fish . . . and large ones. So I sat on a large boulder and just watched them . . . the fish nervous and cautious . . . obviously aware of me above even though I wasn't casting a shadow or moving.

Fascinating. Salmon, I'm pretty sure, with a hump behind the head that means something but I'm not sure just what. Must have been a dozen or so salmon a foot to foot and a half in length, seemingly stuck there . . . some making for an a mad dash toward incoming stream and just not able to wriggle half-in and half-out of the water into that tributary. Several others kept coming back to the same spot . . . just beneath the boulder I sat on . . . and circled down deep. Have I seen the miracle of the laying of eggs and the end of the salmon's life-cycle?

Nearby, an obviously dead salmon floats near the bottom of the pool. Eyes still clear; no marks on a perfect body. On the sandy shore there are tracks. Large tracks that in hindsight I realize belong to a bear. Reluctantly, I leave the salmon to their fate and the start of a new cycle. Time to be moving before that bear comes back looking for an easy meal and finds me instead.

My Challenge Was Accepted

Sometime ago I challenged Rick at Besthikes to try hiking nude and he said he would try it . . . maybe. Well, he did and although he was a little nervous about his first attempt, he was honest about it and willing to say he would try it again. A good first start and a realization that nude hiking is pretty common in the back country.

By the way, Best Hikes is a great resource for those looking for those special hikes around the world. The info is great . . . the photography superlative! Check the site out. Rick

Rick the nude hiker

September 12th, 2007 · 3 Comments

Not me.

That would be Rick of the Nudehiker blog.

I once on this site — like many others — made light of the sport of hiking sans clothing. Rick challenged me to try it first before mocking others who enjoy walking in the buff.

Well, Rick …


That’s me. I walked away from my tent one morning in the Sierra Nevada mountains feeling very … breezy.

Though there was almost zero chance of encountering (offending) others I still felt somewhat nervous and did not get comfortable at any time over the (admittedly brief) venture.

Seems to me that most aboriginal cultures cover their genitals, if only for safety.

But I do promise to try it again, Rick, in future. Perhaps, with time, I can get to relax and then enjoy the sensation.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Hot Springs Guy: YouTube Western US Hot Springs Player

Well, my friend Josh over at Idaho Hot Springs (also known as TheHotSpringsGuy) has given us a great new resource in the form of a video tease of a number of natural hot springs in the Northwest. Check it out and pay Josh a visit at his great website. Rick

Article: How Nudism Can Save You Money

Interesting and generally positive comments following the article (click title to read the original). Rick

nudism save you moneyBy Nathan Powers

Nudists (or “naturists” as some prefer to be referred to), have been the brunt of many a joke for many years. However, the truth of the matter is that living a nudist lifestyle may actually be far better for you, physically, ecologically and economically.

That dirty word – “Laundry”: Let’s start with the obvious. Nudists tend to wear as little clothing as possible, usually nothing at all, as often as possible or whenever conditions allow. Most live in climates that are tropical enough to maximize this opportunity. Wearing less clothing means washing less clothing and washing the clothing that they own less frequently, requiring the repair and replacement of clothing less often. They also tend to have less of a wardrobe, requiring less storage space. So here, we are seeing a saving in money spent on laundry detergents, gas and electricity to operate a washer and dryer, replacement clothing and repair costs, home closet or storage space. We also see less chlorine, phosphates, ozone and carbon dioxide pumped into the environment as well as a reduction in health issues related to exposure to the chemicals needed for properly washing clothing. (Chlorine bleach is one of the deadliest chemicals we can expose ourselves to).

Cooling Down: Since for practicality reasons, most nudists live in either tropical or subtropical regions, many homes and businesses in those regions have some form of air conditioning. Nudists can save money and as in the case of laundry, the environment, by being able to turn up the thermostat a few degrees and allowing the natural cooling system provided in our bodies to do it’s job. Also, if things get a little too hot, it is very easy to simply jump in a cool shower or hose off for a second or two with having to take the time to get undress and redressed. Besides, who wants to throw those sweaty clothing back on right after a shower.

Health Costs: There are other bonuses as well. It has recently been found that exposure to natural sunlight is far healthier to the human body than attempting to hide from the sun altogether. Regulated exposure to natural sunlight lets the body naturally produce all of the Vitamin “D” it needs to ward off a host of deadly and debilitating diseases, cancers and conditions, including MS, ALS, osteoporosis, breast, ovarian, prostate and brain cancers. (source) Even more recent reports indicate that almost all sunscreens are completely ineffective in reducing the deadliest forms of cancer, melanoma (source). Several reports indicate that the ingredients used to manufacture sunscreens are actually more harmful that the cancers they purport to prevent. However, by balancing the ratio of Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, combined with an adequate amount of Vitamin “D”, incidence of melanoma has shown to be reduced by around 40% (source). It is therefore better to gradually expose the body to the sun, slowly building up our body’s own natural sunscreen, melanin, being careful not to get sunburned in the process.

The bottom line is that nudists can save a ton of money by not buying sunscreen, simply exposing themselves to natural sunlight in appropriate amounts; there by creating Vitamin “D” for free and by simply eating a diet that balances omega 3 acids. This can be done through supplement or through adding fish, flax or kiwi fruit to their diets. The real savings come from not having to pay medical bills for treatments for all of the conditions.

Stuff: Nudism is often referred to as the “Great Equalizer”. When people are naked around other people, it is difficult to tell if a person is the president of a bank, or a school janitor. Consequently, nudists tend to be far less “class-conscious”. Nudists are typically less likely to want to keep up with the Joneses, realizing that not only do clothes not really make the man, but neither do homes, cars, boats etc.

More Health - Less Stress - More Money: Studies have also found that children raised in nudist homes tend to be more socially developed (and often more intelligent) than those raised in “textile” families. Nudists generally feel that they have nothing to hide. That attitude permeates the rest of their psyche as well, so they tend to be less stressed out and more sure of themselves. We have probably all heard about the health problems produced by living under stress. Nudists save money by not having to treat as many stress related disorders. (source - pdf format) Also, by being more self confident, and supposedly better educated, they are more likely to get better jobs, making more money.

Society: Those same group of studies indicated that children raised in nudist homes are less inclined to become burdens to society. They are less likely to become involved in early sexual or drug experimentation or to commit crimes against society. This is partially because they are not as materially oriented and because they are already familiar with the looks and workings of the opposite sex. In general, nudity allows them to be more open and honest in their family life, which is expressed in how they relate to others in general. Nudists save money by not having to bail their children out of jail, take them to the doctors to treat sexually transmitted diseases or help them raise unwanted grandchildren (as frequently). If all families raised their children with the same attitudes as nudists, we would all be able to save money by having to pay less in taxes to support fewer children of unwanted pregnancies, drug addicts, juvenile delinquents, vandalism, etc.

Image courtesy of NudstRalph

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Post-Labor Day Weekend Clean-up at Collins Beach

ORCOBA, in cooperation with the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife, is hosting a Post-Labor Day Weekend Clean-up at Collins Beach:

Saturday, September 8th --- 9:00am – Noon

Labor Day Weekend puts a strain on ODFW’s island resources, due to the large volumes of trash typically left behind on Sauvie Island’s recreation areas. ODFW is also shorthanded during this time of year, making trash cleanup a major concern. Our post-Labor Day cleanup comes at a welcome time for ODFW, and they are pleased to make this an official ODFW-ORCOBA cooperative effort. Thanks to the naturist community, Collins Beach has a reputation for being the cleanest beach on the island, a fact which is readily acknowledged by ODFW officials.

We will target the usual areas; the parking lot, wooded areas, and the beach itself. Filled bags and large debris can be set out along the road for transfer via pickup truck down to ODFW’s collection site near Willow Bar for final disposal. We'll have a pickup truck on site for the transfer duties; if anyone else brings one out as well, that will be great, although the one truck will likely be adequate for making multiple runs throughout the morning as needed. Participants can choose to clean up a specific area, or fill in as necessary, depending on the number of participants.

The check-in area will be at the parking lot near Entrance 3, starting around 9:00am. Garbage bags will be available, along with bottled drinking water. It is recommended that participants bring along a pair of work gloves and dress accordingly. Clothing, of course, is optional on the beach, but required in the parking lot and areas readily visible from the road, in compliance with ODFW regulations governing the beach.

As this is an official ODFW-endorsed event, participants will be required to read and sign an ODFW "Conditions of Volunteer Service" form, available at check-in. Participants are then registered with ODFW as part of their Volunteer Team and are “certified” for future ORCOBA/ODFW cleanup activities on Sauvie Island over the next year. Everyone is welcome.

Typically, these cleanups are completed within a couple of hours; however, participants are free to volunteer whatever amount of time they wish. Following the cleanup, around noon or so, participants are welcome to join others on the beach near entrance 3 for a casual picnic lunch.

See you there!

Bad News at Black's Beach

As Posted in the Naturist Forums a few days ago. Message posted in part to pertinent concerns. Rick
From: Lloyd Johnson (

This is the latest newsletter from Black's Beach, in text format. I will Load a Word 2000 version to the website.

Bad News:
I put out a September issue already, but one incident requires that I put out a second edition. At approximately 7pm September 1st a ranger drove from north to south announcing that he had a complaint and we all had to get dressed for the remainder of the day. The Cahill Policy requires that they receive a complaint before they can order us to get dressed, and it's only in effect for the remainder of the day. It could have been worse; the day was practically over.

I stopped the ranger to ask him about the complaint and he replied that they received a WRITTEN complaint. I advised him that I will be filing a public records request to see that complaint.

We don't yet know if this was an isolated incident, or the first symptom of a bigger problem. Similar things have occurred in other states and other parks. Sometimes there was a complaint and sometimes it was an officer with a power trip. It will likely take weeks to uncover the facts. We all hope for the best, but it's my job to prepare for the worst.

There were suspicious circumstances. That same ranger drove north to south, passing the Bares volleyball court at 6:21. I know this because he ran over and broke some volleyball equipment, leading him to stop and get stuck in the sand. Volleyball players pushed him out and I took a picture with a digital camera, recording the time. Then just 40 minutes later he returns with a complaint. Who was in the office so late to receive the complaint?

Afterward, he drove north with emergency lights running, disappearing around Flatrock about sunset.

To my knowledge this last occurred March 12th 2006. The details and other relevant information are in the April 2006 issue. Copies are available upon request at our yellow flag, or can be downloaded from the archives.

If anyone was cited or has information about the complaint, please contact Lloyd. We may be able to help with your legal defense.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Can't Find a Nude Beach? Claim One For Yourself?

Finding a place to get out and enjoy the sun shouldn't be an exercise in frustration . . . especially here in the Pacific Northwest with all the forest land and wilderness we are blessed with. The tolerated and designated nude beaches like Sauvies Island and Rooster Rock are great but there are literally hundreds of miles of isolated and underused sunny beach areas along the river courses descending from the Cascade and Olympic Mountains. Within 45 miles of Seattle is the wide flood plain of the Skykomish River above Index. There are many more. Get out there and enjoy them.

Getting to where you want can sometimes be a task, like here off the Index-Galena Road where I have to ford the Skykomish River to reach the far bank and flood plain of the river where there is no habitation and a general lack of interest . . . but some great nude hiking!
The water is rarely more than waist deep in the wider floodplains but use common sense when fording an unfamiliar river. Study it first and look for the clues of a shallow ford. Rapids and white water mean a constriction and fast flow . . . not good. Look up or downstream for a widening of the flow and then study that surface, avoiding areas that swirl and eddy which are typical of scoured deep pools in the bed. Look for changes in color . . . a richening of the glacial green that might indicate deep water.

The rivers of the Cascades flow clear and cold. That clarity means you can see where you're walking . . . that same clarity means algae can grow on the rocks on the river bed. The shallower the water, the slicker those rocks get. When fording, set a foot before you lift the other. Be sure of your footing. Use a trekking pole or staff and plant it on the downstream side in fast flow.

I've met a number of weekend anglers 'pussy-footing' it in the shallow water trying to keep the bottom of their shorts dry. Some give up . . . most get miserably wet. Some follow my route and see the sensibility of at least fording the river nude makes a whole lot of sense. Out here in the wilderness few really care and perhaps some will become converts. Who knows what happens when they head up their direction of the river and I head the other. I know of at least one couple that didn't bother to get re-dressed after fording and parting ways.

This particular stretch of sand is as warm and luxurious as any beach. It is on the wild-side of the river completely unobservable from places where people go . . . shielded even more by giant washed-down trees and large boulders. Facing west it catches the sun for most of the day.

The water is cold but definitely refreshing. This large pool is a result of flowback into a depression in the riff-raff of the annual river floods . . . constantly refreshed by a side stream of the river.

The payback for the short hike in is the chance to just lay out lazily in the sun and enjoy the summer heat abated by gentle breezes flowing down the river valley.

There are also many places to mold your body into for an afternoon snooze. This one is tailor made for me because I can lay back and watch all those hikers making their way up the road off the far bank without being observed myself . . . and with a wide river between us. It kinda says, you have your side and I have mine. I relaxing now . . . see ya later.

TNS MySpace Blog

Don, working with the TNS Membership Advisory Committee, has volunteered to help setup and moderate a MySpace Blog for TNS.

In Don's words:

... the kick-off of The Naturist Society’s MySpace page and Blog!

I volunteered for and have been selected to serve as Moderator for the new Blog, which will be a work in progress for a while during the tweaking and debugging phase. Its creation is the result of discussion during the TNS Western Naturist Gathering at Lupin Lodge last month, and at the Eastern Naturist Gathering as well. Each year at the Gatherings’ Town Hall Meetings, TNS members have the opportunity to meet with The TNS Member Advisory Committee and talk about ways to make TNS even better, from the individual member perspective. As an organization which is shaped and driven by its individual members, TNS takes these meetings to heart.

TNS hopes to see their new MySpace page and Blog become a popular, as-it-happens source of TNS news and happenings, announcements, updates, Q&A, and other items of interest to naturists.

To visit TNS’s MySpace page, click on this link: Click on “View All Blog Entries” to access the Blog. You can also subscribe to the Blog and receive email notifications of new Blog posts.

You can also CLICK HERE to access the TNS MySpace Blog directly (I think, anyway…if this doesn’t work, just use the main page link above.)

And please, feel free to post a comment while you’re there…suggestions and input are welcomed.

See you there!


Thursday, August 23, 2007

Why I Wear the MIA Bracelet

The MIA Bracelet reads:
USAF 28 AUG 68 Laos

Those who have met me have seen the red metal band that always seems to be around my wrist. Those who know me also know that I almost never remove the bracelet for any reason. I work with it on, I play with it, sleep, shower and bath with it. At some nudist events it get misinterpreted as an indicator of no photos . . . until I explain otherwise. This simple piece of red-anodized aluminum has been on my right wrist since December 19th, 1971 and I wear it with honor and deeply-felt remembrance for a fellow airman lost in a little-known side-arena of the Vietnam War. I wear it in honor of TSgt Elbert A. Phillips who was lost over the unfriendly jungles of Laos on the 28th of August, 1968; at first presumed missing in action (MIA) and then later, officially designated killed in action (KIA) though his remains have not yet been found. I promised myself at the time I asked for this particular MIA bracelet, that I would wear it until Sergeant Phillips was returned home . . . as a repatriated MIA or the return of his remains. I wear the bracelet to this day, 36 years later . . . and it does not come off my wrist!

A few days ago I was Googling my name . . . as we all should do from time to time . . . and I came across a web site devoted to opening up the muddy history of our dirty little war in Laos. Took me completely by surprise because there I was listed. The surprise was that when I left Vientiane, Laos after my tour of duty I was very sternly told that the circumstances of my being there were never to be talked about . . . permanently. So I didn't. As far as my family was concerned, I was safely stationed at an airbase in Thailand, wore a uniform like anyone else and did mundane things in support of the air war over North Vietnam. My parents would have freaked out if they'd known that myself, and a few hundred others over the years, have been 'sheep-dipped' . . . a black ops term, if ever. We were sanitized of military clothing, surrendered our military ID to the embassy and slunk about Laos . . . in a state of three-way civil war . . . in civilian clothes. It was called Project 404 and was your basic Air America stuff of the movie, gunships and Forward Air Controllers (FACs, callsign Raven). I spent most of my time in the Air Attache office at the embassy doing what was politely called HUMINT, or Human Intelligence.

Okay . . . so I'm outed on a website that wants to set the history right for our secret little war. Removing the uniform and pretending to be a civilian strips a soldier of his Geneva Convention rights; something we were always cognizant of as we were shot at while flying back and forth to scratch-in-the-dirt airfields high atop the jagged karst of the Laotian mountains surrounding the Plain de Jars. What we were fighting for no one ever really knew. The North Vietnamese were perfectly happy to stay far to the east on the Ho Chi Minh Trail beyond our area of operations. We were supposedly supporting the Royal Laotian Army against the communist Pathet Lao insurgency . . . but Laotians hate to fight so the Hmong people of the highlands became the proxy warriors. We supported them with arms, rice drops (so much so by the end of the war that many young Hmong believed that rice came from the sky). Forward Air Controllers flying O-2 Birddogs and T28 Nomads scouted for the Hmong fighters and directed gunships (Puff the Magic Dragon) manned by American airmen (sans uniform). TSgt Phillips was a medic transiting as a non-aircrew member on a T-28D when the plane went down. I learned about Sergeant Phillips while getting drunk in a Vientiane club (aka brothel) called the White Rose . . . the place where most of us 'on loan' soldiers spent our scant off-duty hours. Casualties were not unheard of but everybody knew everyone . . . it was a very small community and our very existence stood on shaky foundations. Back at the embassy I put my name in to wear one of those bracelets . . . and asked for Sergeant Phillips.

So I wear a bracelet in honor of him. Many soldiers, seamen and airmen lost their lives in places well known. Few knew of the covert nature of the air support we gave in Laos.

So I'm outed and it's somewhat of a relief because I can talk about it now. I stare at the list, looking for familiar names. There are a number of them but right above my entry is a name in red . . . red for individuals who were killed in Laos . . . and who is it? It's my familiar acquaintance for these past 36 years . . . TSgt Elbert Austin Phillips.

So . . . what does this have to do with nudism? Nothing I suppose, unless you happen to catch me wandering about nude and wonder why I never take off the red-metal bracelet . . . even in sauna rooms where superheated air quickly makes the metal very hot . . . or you find me arguing with the photographer that my red bracelet does not mean I don't want to be photographed.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

North Fork Skykomish near Troublesome Creek Gorge

Been a little lax on my posting . . . because, as you guessed it, I've been busy hiking nude all over the place. I'd like to share a nice place I came across hiking the top loop of the Index-Galena Road near the Troublesome Creek Gorge. Scenic and very tranquil for an afternoon exploring the water-smoothed granite and the alluring glacier-green of the river's crystal waters.

This segment of the river is along the closed county road and gives miles of nude walking. Leaving most of my pack at one former campsite, I can hike freely with nothing more than shoes, hat and minimal supplies to truly enjoy. That's my favorite way to hike.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Wreck Beach Bare Buns Fun Run This Weekend

From Bruce (posting in the major nudism groups)

Here is the Public Service Announcement about the Wreck Beach Bare Buns Run that went out to all media outlets in Greater Vancouver.

The weather is supposed to improve by Thursday and be good for the weekend so this should be a great event. If you are in Vancouver BC this Sunday head down to Wreck and join the fun.

Public Service Announcement


The eleventh annual 5K Bare Buns Run/Walk, Sunday August 12 at 11:30 a.m. on Wreck Beach (Trail 6, registration starts at 9:30 a.m.), features body painting and awards for every age category and finisher. Registration fees are $25 adult, $20 for youth under 16 or seniors over 55, and includes a T-shirt or tank top.

To register or for more information, call 604-876-3909, email:, or visit

The run is an officially timed event. Proceeds go toward the Wreck Beach Preservation Society whose mandate is to preserve Wreck Beach in as natural a state as possible.

If you are more daring, say a World Naked Bike Rider, find yourself on Sunset Beach, (Beach Avenue and Bute) Thursday for the "Bare Buns Promo Run". Meet near the concession stand at 9:50a.m. SHARP! The promo run will start at 10:00a.m. and be very short, a few laps on the sand, just long enough for the media to snap a few shots and a bit of video.

On a side note, Sunset Beach looked a lot like Wreck on Sunday as the Pride Parade ended in the park above the Beach, lots of nearly naked and a few totally naked people swimming and just wandering around. Great Fun.


Rooster Rock/Sauvie Island Cleanup Trip Report

AANR-NW GAT in association with SOLV sponsored cleanups at both the clothing-optional beach at Rooster Rock State Park east of Portland, Oregon on Aug 4th, 2007; and Collins Beach on Sauvies Island, west of Portland on Aug 5th, 2007. Mountaindale Sun Resort offered discounted fees to participants, sporting a great dinner spread, use of their great facilities and overnight camping space.

Arrival at Rooster Rock

With the hiatus of the annual AANR Convention getting underway at the Willamettans in Springfield, Oregon, I was the only available Slug free to attend this event . . . not that I would have missed it in any case; I make it every year. I started out from Seattle early to make the three hour drive in time to meet the start time of 9:30am at Rooster Rock. Not to be disappointed, Shirley was there with parks representatives and a good turnout of volunteers . . . and a truck full of shovels, picks and assorted implements of vegetative and earthen mass destruction. This was not going to be a simple cleanup operation. My mind went back to previous years and the fifty cubic yards of sand we annually moved to fill in the Dragonfly Trail.

The weather wasn't cooperating, either. Overcast and cool, who knew if the sun would come out later in the afternoon. Nevertheless, I sign the waiver of liability (I might have thought otherwise had I seen where my unprotected nude body would be in ten minutes), grab a pair of gloves and a shovel, and head on down the ramp to see what Glenn Little and the rest of the mischievously-grinning park rangers had in mind.

River Flooding is an Annual Problem

The flooded area of Dragonfly Trail

For much of the year the trails in the clothing-optional areas to the beach and Sand Island are submerged under water. In late July and early August the river levels finally drop low enough for trails to re-emerge and become usable . . . except for segments of the trails that traverse a short low-lying bog area that is an exercise in knee-deep sucking muck. Our assignment each year seems to be to ameliorate this situation so that beach-goers can reach the beach and Sand Island without losing their flip-flops in ripe-smelling organic muck. We generally do that by wheel-barrowing in tons of sand from the back-dunes to make a dry and walkable trail that is much appreciated by the park and visitors.

While the majority of the volunteers were soon off with clippers and trash sacks to clean up litter in other parts of the park . . . ten of us brave volunteers joyfully stripped and along with three park rangers, two Gators, a dozen shovels, wheelbarrows, picks and such surveyed the larger than normal quagmire that presented itself just inside the beginning of the Dragonfly Trail. This wasn't a puddle of water to be filled in! This was fully a 100 ft long and nigh a foot deep with brackish, black-silted water with who-knew-what lurking beneath. There are stories of flip-flops mysteriously reappearing on this trail later in the season . . . hopefully without a foot attached.

The previous year we had pretty much exhausted some of the back-dune areas of fill-sand. Glenn had a new plan . . . control the flooding with a culvert. Where he found the culvert beats me . . . looked like it was salvage from a road project. Nevertheless, right in the middle of that quagmire we waded and spent the next few hours digging a trench into the sand and muck. No amount of clothing could have kept us clean and mud-free . . . it was an appropriate circumstance for nudity, bar none. We were on our knees in the slimy muck, digging mud out with our gloved hands. This could have been fun mud-slinging or wrestling. Eventually we maneuvered the culvert into place and covered it with ten Gator-loads of sand. We didn't manage to build up a new trail but with low tide later that day, it was hoped that the culvert would help drain the low areas quicker and re-establish the trails. Glenn seemed happy with the results.

Halfway into our digging, a Channel 6 TV crew showed up to film us working and we posed for them . . . naughty bits and all. Later in the day I got to see the footage on the news. Not much to see, Shirley stole the coverage.

I did discuss with one of the rangers and Shirley about the possibility that instead of dealing with this bog every year we could build a modular puncheon-style bridge or turnpike using donated materials and labor. Instead of filling in with scarce sand from the back-dunes, the annual AANR-GAT cleanup would involve putting the bridge in place each year for the beach season. Park employees liked the idea so I'm going to pursue some ideas to present.

Around one pm we had our BBQ and raffle of prizes . . . and some more posing nude-yet not nude for the national SOLV promotional campaign. SOLV wants to use our participation to market their national coming-out and we were more than willing to lend our nude, yet not nude bodies for promotional pictures (nude, yet not nude meant some strategically placed item in the pictures.)

The rest of the afternoon was ours and I headed out to the river and Sand Island along with Henry Y., the painter of such wonderful watercolors of naturist events, Terry of the Rooster Rock Bare Buns events and a few others. Sand Island is easily accessible and a lot of sand is exposed along the northern beach. I left everything back in my car except for a pair of shorts to get to the clothing-optional area and the obligatory floppy blue hat. The feeling of wandering free and open to the warming day in such beautiful surroundings is indescribable. No crutches . . . no worries.

Well, some. Sand Island is part of the clothing-optional area and is signed as such. But winter and spring flooding takes out those signs (and I'm sure a few self-righteous textile boaters.) When the beaches of the island are only accessible to boaters early in the season, textiles assume and presume to take over the beach. They then act surprised and uncomfortable when nude people appear. They end up scattering back onto their boats and the river . . . but I am not going to give up my beach due to adverse possession.

Mountaindale Sun Resort (aka Restful Haven)

It was hard to leave Rooster Rock. I had driven the entire 180 miles from Seattle in nothing more than a teeshirt. I left for Mountaindale the same way, determined to enjoy as much of the weekend in a nude or near-nude state as possible. The drive was uneventful, even in the heavy traffic through Portland and, until I had to endure the bone-jarring rumble up the abominable washboard gravel road to the resort, enjoyable. They really do need to do something about that road. Fraternity Snoqualmie's is smoother by far.

This was my second visit to Mountaindale (the last being the AANR-NW Convention several years ago. Quiet this weekend . . . the weather and the AANR Convention, I'm sure. Not many took advantage of their generous offer this year. Only two of us tented and I had my choice of sites on their new tenting area . . . and soon found my way to the nearest shower, which I definitely needed, and back to the clubhouse where they showed me the coffee maker and how to help myself (did I tell you I like my coffee?)

The clubhouse is well-appointed with full facilities (dining room, bar area, game room with pool table, outdoor deck seating), TV area. I explored the swimming pool and ended up in their huge, brand-new hot tub. Eventually others from the clean-up showed up and we were treated to a good dinner by the folks at the resort. I slept good that night because Shirley mandated an early start to the clean-up efforts at Sauvies Island the next day. My thanks to the gracious hosts at Mountaindale Sun Resort.

Collins Beach, Sauvies Island

Picking up the litter at Willows Bar on Sauvies Island

We setup inside Entrance 5 by 9:30 on Sunday morning. The weather was again threatening not to cooperate. The parking lot needed a good litter patrol, while I headed off with Shirley to cleanup Willow Bar a few miles back down the road. The two of us in less than an hour managed to fill up seven bags of trash, which we secured and left by the brand new anti-littering signs for pickup by Deputy Larry. Then it was back to Collins so I could get out of my clothes, damn the overcast skies and perky breezes. I was promised that the sun would be out in a few hours.

My traditional job as these events is to cook the hot dogs for beach patrons. Don't have to . . . just happened to have a BBQ, so it's now my job and a fun one, at that. I must also thank Squaw Mountain Ranch for the donation of hot dogs and supplies to feed the naked hordes.

Chopping onions for the hot dogs

Deputy Larry stopped by for a nice visit and to get pointers for his presentation at the AANR Convention. So did Mike, a doctor who is going to give a talk of the benefits of the lifestyle. I also got to visit with my old friends Kyle, Mike and Jim, who happened to hear about us and wandered up the beach to stuff down hot dogs.

Eventually, the day also drew to a close; many participants headed south for the convention . . . myself back to Seattle and the realities of work. Mark, of the Friends of AANR, scored big when a large canoe on the beach was declared abandoned by the deputy. We helped get it to Mark's van and secured. Good thing we dallied because when I went to start my trusted ole' Civic I had a dead battery. Seems I'd left my lights on twice during the day. Mark provided the jumper cables . . . Shirley provided the battery juice. I waved goodbye as I turned north on OR 30 and they headed south. I drove all the way home in nothing but my teeshirt. What a great weekend!

A very short segment aired on KATU Channel 2