How about an open invitation to plan a nude camping get-together in the next few weeks?
Option #1: A rustic campground alongside the Beckler River |
This campsite is about six and a half miles in along the Beckler River Road just east of Skykomish, WA. The site is comprised of three tenting areas in very close proximity to each other. Access is via a loop dirt track from the paved road . . . a few hundred feet into the treeline toward the river.
Once claimed, privacy is pretty much assured by the forest shrouding the campsites from the main road. All campsites front on the Beckler River with ample flat area for two to three tents each.
Little sand on the beach . . . mainly river rock and boulders attesting to the vigorous flow rate of this river, despite its' size. There is a network of trails and open canopy to enjoy short strolls a'la natural, or more intense nude hiking opportunities nearby.
Option #2: A "Secret Beach" Campsite along the Rapid River |
Site # 2 explored, is what I call my 'Secret Beach' because there is no obvious turnout of indication of a trail . . . only a hint of the beach through fall and winter foliage to make it out from the road. It takes a little bit of a scrabble down the embankment from the road to reach the beach . . . and sometimes a little wading, but it is well worth it.
This beach is perfect for camping because the flat area is located a couple of feet higher than the river and is covered with a deep blanket of spongy moss. At the northern end is a sandy area to enjoy.
The beach is located 1.7 miles along FS 6250 (the FS road alongside the Rapid River).
Option #3: Pack it in and up on FS6028 for some great vistas |
The last option is not so much a car camping option as it is an option for some great, extended freehiking. The FS road is gated just off of Hwy 2 . . . so any camping is going to require you to hike everything in for a couple of miles. There are a couple of good tenting areas with great vistas over the Skykomish River Valley, but the real appeal of this long-legged series of upward climbing gravel road switchbacks is the opportunity to shuck everything and hike nude for miles and miles (if there are no other vehicle at the gate, you are pretty much assured you have the place to yourself.) The entrance to this FS road is located about halfway between Baring and Grotto, WA
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I'd like to go hiking some time. Nude hiking sounds so enjoyable. I live in the NB area but all trails out there are very crowded. I want to see what it's like.