Fun with GIMP . . . photos to sketches
Got way too much time on my hands, lol
There is a feature in some high-end editing programs (including the free G.I.M.P photo-editing program) that allow you to take an image and produce a respectful pencil-like sketch of that image. Here are a few I made when I should have been outside weeding the garden . . .
First attempt . . . trees give too much clutter |
Second attempt, the blank sky helps reduce clutter |
Sky and terrain came out nicely in this third attempt |
Like any visual element, there should be a message and context there. To me, looking at these 'sketches' brings back home the experience of being out there in nature . . . and more importantly, being part of the environment I am within.
There is also an oil painting rendition technique for use with G.I.M.P., but that is more involved. I may try it when I have a lot of free-time on my hands (or autumn comes and weeding is a moot activity). :-)